
lǜ sè yín hánɡ
  • Green Bank;mountain forestry resources
  1. 根据我国现状,商业银行应当建立健全绿色银行的考核与培训机制。

    According to China 's current situation , commercial banks should establish and improve the assessment and training mechanisms for the green banks .

  2. “山上办绿色银行、山下建优质粮仓”的对策研究&“山下建优质粮仓”篇

    Study on Countermeasures of " exploiting mountain as green bank , building good quality granary under the mountain " & " building good quality granary under the mountain "

  3. 另外,新政府已提出立法建议,拟在秋季前成立一家绿色投资银行。

    The new government has also brought forward legislation to establish a green investment bank by the autumn .

  4. 绿色工业和世界银行政策研究

    Greening Industry and World Bank policy research

  5. 参加代表团的还有热带雨林基金(英国和挪威)、绿色和平组织以及银行信息中心的工作人员。

    The delegation was joined by staff of the Rainforest Foundation ( UK and Norway ), Greenpeace , and the Bank Information Center .

  6. 但与此同时,绿色信贷也使银行面临复杂多变的环境风险,对其风险评价和管理的理论和实践上的不足阻碍了绿色信贷的开展。

    At the same time , however , the Green Credit makes bank face a complex and changing environmental risks . And the deficiencies of risk assessment and management of Green Credit has hindered the development of it .

  7. 绿色信贷源于国际上公认的赤道原则。绿色信贷是银行业贯彻落实科学发展观的一项重大举措。

    Green credit , derives from the internationally recognized Equator Principles is an important measure to implement the scientific development .