
  • 网络Fish Hoek
  1. 这只鲨鱼当天下午仍旧在钓鱼镇海湾,并处于观测员的监视中。

    The shark was still in Fish Hoek Bay in the afternoon and being monitored by the spotters .

  2. 在开普敦的钓鱼镇,这位42岁的英国男子在遭到鲨鱼袭击后拼命与鲨鱼搏击。

    The42-year-old man is fighting for his life after the attack by a great white at Fish Hoek beach in Cape Town .

  3. 男人们则打打猎,钓钓鱼,在搬进镇内打工后,他们仍在农村留一小块地,种种蔬菜和西瓜。

    The men hunted and fished and raised vegetables and watermelon on small plots out in the country that they 'd kept when they moved to town to work .