
  • 网络Yiyang;populus deltoides
  1. 苏北意杨材性及FRP复合木结构的试验分析和研究碳纤维塑料复合材料

    Experimental and Theoretical Analysis on the Poplar and the Timber Beams Strengthened with FRP ; carbon fibre plastic composite

  2. 对CCA处理意杨(Ⅰ-214)木材尺寸稳定性的探讨

    Approach to the CCA Treated Poplar ( 1-214 ) Wood in Dimensional Stability

  3. 高得率浆废水的高效生化处理&序列活性污泥法处理低污染意杨APMP废水反应温度与时间对铝型材厂工业污泥合成堇青石材料的得率与晶相结构影响

    High Efficient Biological Treatments of High-Yield Pulping Effluent Influence of Sintering Time and Sintering Temperature on Crystalline Structure of Cordierite Synthesized from Waste Aluminum Sludge

  4. 用CZC提高意杨人造板的耐久性

    Improvement of the durability of Italian poplars plywood and oriented flakeboard with Czc

  5. 意杨集成材制造的关键技术探讨

    The key manufacturing technology of Italian poplar finger joint lumer

  6. 结果表明开发意杨轻质中密度纤维板在技术上是可行的,而且具有显著的经济效益。

    The results show that the technology is feasible and the economic benefit is obvious .

  7. 川中地区意杨引种栽培初报

    A Preliminary Report On Introduction And Cultivation of Italian Popular in Central Areas of Sichuan

  8. 轻型木结构用意杨结构胶合板集中静载性能试验研究

    Test for performance of poplar residue plywood sheathing in light wood frame construction under concentrated loads

  9. 树干注药防治意杨叶面害虫的试验研究

    Test and Study on Control of Foliar Pests in Italian Poplar with Pesticide Injection in Stem

  10. 麻城市河滩地意杨早期生长模型及经济效益研究

    Study on Early Growth Model and Economic Benefit of Populus SP. in Flood Land of Macheng City

  11. 研制以意杨、马尾松混合材为原料生产地板用薄型高密度纤维板。

    The development of thin high-density fiberboard which made of mix material Populus and Pinus massonia was studied in the paper .

  12. 用高温干燥与常规干燥相结合的木材干燥工艺(简称蒸汽综合干燥工艺),对意杨厚板材进行干燥处理。

    Some Southern Type Poplar planks were dried with the comprehensive vapor drying technology which combined by high temperature and conventional drying technology in this experiment .

  13. 总结分析了意杨集成材制造工艺中的关键技术,提出了意杨指接集成材生产工艺参数和意杨指接集成材生产中应注意的若干问题。

    Summing up and analyzing the key technology of Italian poplar finger joint lumber in manufacture . Putting forward some process parameters and questions needing attention .

  14. 从意杨不同伐龄全树化学成份含量来看,结合其生长特性,认为意杨纸浆材主伐林龄8~9年较好。

    Based on variation in the whole tree 's chemical composition and growth properties , harvesting of Italian populus for pulpwood at 8 ~ 9 age is good .

  15. 总结分析了影响意杨多层胶合板生产的主要因素,在单板的旋切、干燥、纵接等重要工序,提出了改善意杨多层胶合板生产质量的关键技术。

    Summing up and analyzing the major influence factors of Italian poplar multipay plywood manufacture , the key technology is put forward for improvement of Italian poplar multipay plywood manufacture .

  16. 意杨结构胶合板作为轻型木结构覆板的可行性研究胶合板:用三层或多层的木材薄片胶结在一起制成的复合板材。

    Research on the Feasibility of Yiyang Structure Plywood Used as Panel of Light Frame Construction Plywood : Manufactured panel made up of three or more thin plies ( layers ) of wood .

  17. 以复合材料力学和结构力学为理论基础,提出了意杨集成材受弯构件的极限承载力计算公式,并且对影响意杨集成材受弯构件极限承载力的因素进行了分析。

    Grounding on the calculational theories of material mechanics and structural mechanics , this paper derives the simple formula of the ultimate flexural loading of Poplar glulam beams and discussed some influence factors of the ultimate flexural loading of Poplar glulam beams .