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  1. 法定抵押权和意定抵押权的冲突与协调

    The Conflict Coordination Between the Legal Hypothec the Normal Hypothec

  2. 许多国家开始了对成年监护制度的改革,意定监护制度应运而生。

    Many countries reformed their adult guardianship system .

  3. 董事与公司的意定关系表现为,董事权力部分来源于公司章程的规定及股东大会的授权。董事这部分权力的滥用而产生的责任可以由公司章程或股东大会决议豁免。

    The theoretical basic of director power is the relationship between directors and corporations .

  4. 在成年人监护方面,建立法定监护和意定监护相互配合的制度。

    In adult 's custody aspect , we should establish both legal and free guardianship .

  5. 行政法上的义务体系主要由法定义务、意定义务和承诺义务构成。

    The obligatory responsibility of the administrative law is mainly composed of statutory obligation , voluntary obligation , and promissory obligation .

  6. 介绍了意定监护制度改革(包括意定监护的原则以及具体内容)。

    It introduces the meaning given guardianship system reform ( including the meaning given custody of the principles and specific content ) .

  7. 与意定的通信伙伴安全地通信是至关重要的,这里需要的信息安全服务是认证和密钥协商。

    It is very important to securely communicate with the intended communication partners . The security service needed here is authentication and key exchange .

  8. 最后从引入意定监护制度的角度,对成年人监护制度的改革提出了建议。

    Finally , from the perspective of the intended guardianship system , the author gives some suggestions to improve the adult guardianship in our country .

  9. 而在转让之意定原因下,保险合同效力何时随保险标的移转更成为各论文与教科书着墨最多之处。

    And in the reasons of transfer , when the validity of the insurance contract changes has become the focus of most papers and textbooks .

  10. 为此,我们设计出具有指定验证者的聚合签名方案,只有意定的验证者才能验证聚合签名的有效性。

    To achieve this , an aggregate signature scheme with specified verifiers is designed , where only those particular verifiers can verify the validity of the aggregate signature . 2 .

  11. 日常家事代理权是一种特殊的意定代理权,它是传统民法亲属法中用以规范夫妻关系的一项重要制度。

    The daily household matters authority is a kind of special entrusted authority . It is an important system used to standardize the conjugal relation in the traditional relative law .

  12. 第四章明确了代理权消灭概念及其法律后果,并主要讨论了法定代理权和意定代理权的消灭情形。

    The last chapter definitizes the concept of extinction of agent right and points out its legal results , mainly discussing exterminating reasons of legal agent right and commission agent right .

  13. 意定代理中授权行为的独立性是一个被前人发现的客观事实,授权行为的独立性问题是探讨授权内无因性的前提。

    The independence of the act of authorization in the voluntary agency is an objective fact , and it is the premise to probe the non-causative nature within the act of authorization .

  14. 主要探讨我国行为能力的判断标准、意定专职监护人建立、建立意定监护合同的登记机制以及如何完善合同履行的监督机制。

    This paper mainly discusses our country behavior ability of judgment standard , Italy set full-time guardian establish and build meaning constant monitoring contract registration mechanism and how to perfect the supervision system for the performance of a contract .

  15. 作为一种权利必然不是绝对的,别然会受到限制,这中限制又分为法定限制和意定限制或称协议限制,此作为第三部分。

    As a right is not absolute necessary , do not contingent will be limited , which is divided into to limit the legal limit , and Italy , said the agreement will limit or restrictions , as the third part of this .

  16. 同时,意定证据补强也成为补强证据规则与证明责任、自认制度衔接的桥梁,为我国民事证据体系整体制度的构架提出了自己的见解。

    At the same time , meaning set fill strong evidence also become reinforcing evidence rules and the burden of proof , believes the bridge system cohesion , for our country the whole system of civil evidence system framework puts forward their own views .

  17. 通过比较研究和实证分析,笔者认为,以立法的方式确认单方允诺系意定之债的发生原因之一确有必要,并进一步确立了这一制度得以发生法律效力的构成要件。

    Through comparative research and empirical analysis , the author believes that it is necessary for the law to confirm that unilateral promise is one of the reasons that produce obligation . After that , the author analyses the constructive elements of the unilateral promise .

  18. 在明确我国现行法律中船舶物权含义的基础上,作者将本文的研究范围限定为船舶意定物权变动的研究。

    After clarifying the meaning of " property right of ships " in current Chinese laws , the author makes it clear that he will make his research on " the property rights of ships " arising from the declaration of civil subjects ' will .

  19. 老罔达试图说服我继续留下来,但我去意已定。

    Brother was trying to persuade me to stay , but my decision had already been made .

  20. 屠维岳很镇定而且倔强地说,他的机警的眼光现在微露忿意,看定了吴荪甫的面孔。

    Said Tu Wei-yueh calmly and defiantly , a glint of resentment in his keen eyes as he stared Wu Sun-fu in the eye .

  21. 翻译单位的划分应主要根据原文的意群而定,之所以将意群视为翻译单位,是因为翻译的实质乃语义不变,语境对应。

    The major division of translation unit should base upon the sense group of the original text . The reason why we use sense group as translation unit is because translation remains constant in semantic meaning .

  22. 方法:腹部叩诊&尿意法即产妇首次排尿后,护士由脐平向下间接叩诊,同时询问产妇有无尿意,将耻上叩诊出现尿意者定为叩诊尿潴留阳性。

    Method : Patients lie on her back after micturition , then nurses percuss the abdomen from the umbilicus downwards and ask the patient 's emiction sense .