
  • 网络libertarianism
  1. 在柔性决定论看来,意志自由论和刚性决定论都基于同一误解。

    According to soft-determinism , both libertarianism and hard-determinism are founded on a shared misconception .

  2. 与刚性决定论类似,意志自由论基于这一观点:自由意志在一个先定的世界中无法存在。

    Libertarianism , like hard-determinism , is based on the assumption that free will cannot exist in a deterministic universe .

  3. 因为自由的感性特征,意志自由论者否定宇宙完全基于因果关系的看法。

    Because of the experienced quality of freedom , the libertarian denies that the universe is completely deterministic .

  4. 另一方面,意志自由论者则认为,经验揭示了自由意志的现实存在,所以他们对决定论的真实性持否定的态度。

    The libertarian , on the other hand , believes that experience reveals the reality of free will , and so denies that determinism is true .

  5. 例如,意志自由论者会强调说,即使原因系统产生最佳选择,其实仍旧不可能进行其他选择。

    The libertarian , for example , would insist that even if the system of causes produces the best choices , it is still true that no other choices are possible .

  6. 社会契约论、三权分立论、道义责任论、意志自由论、心理强制说构成了公正刑的理论基础。

    The theory of society contract , theory of three powers separation , theory of morality liability , theory of will freedom and theory of mind force compose it 's theoretic base .

  7. 在此基础上,本章还简要介绍了叔本华的意志自由论及其美学思想,指出了其在美学史上的贡献及局限。

    In addition , the dissertation also compendiously introduces schopenhauer 's views of will freedom and his aesthetic thoughts , and evaluates and analyses their contribute and limitation in the whole aesthetic history .

  8. 在我国,犯罪预备形态的处罚根据可以从三个角度进行分析:即哲学依据是意志自由论、学理依据是修正的犯罪构成论、实质依据是预备行为的社会危害性。

    Appropriate penalty could be decided base on the analysis from three perspectives : the philosophy basis of free will , the logic basis of crime construction , the realistic basis of the damage of the crime to the society .

  9. 一种意志自由的决定论,才是真正的哲学。

    A sort of free-will determinism is the true philosophy .

  10. 所谓刚性决定论否定自由意志,而与其相对的意志自由论则认为,决定论是站不住脚的。

    The position known as hard-determinism rejects free will whereas its opposite counterpart , libertarianism asserts that determinism is false .