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  1. 总状共头霉产生杀线虫活性物质的条件和产物性质的初步研究

    Studies on the production and characteristics of Nematicidal bio-active substances by Syncephalastrum racemosum

  2. 第一批牛共69头,平均体重约为190kg,使用双层车进行运输;第二批牛共39头,平均体重约为200kg,使用单层车进行运输。

    The first batch of 69 heifers which the average weight was about 190 kg was transported by the double layer car . The second batch of 39 heifers which the average weight was about 200 kg was transported by the single layer car .

  3. 诱到花蝇4种,共90头。

    A total of 90 flies of 4 species were caught .

  4. 选择了大白、长白两个品种共32头母猪,根据品种和产次分成4个观察组进行观察。

    In Experiment two , 32 gilts or multiparous sows of Yorkshire and Landrace were used .

  5. 结果:采集蜱类共3135头,分为9属28种,其中6种地区分布新纪录,2种待定种。

    Result : 3135 ticks were classified into 28 species that are under 9 genus , in which 6 species are firstly recorded in these areas and 2 species is to be confirmed .

  6. 饲养试验结束后,随机从每组的每个重复中选择体重相近的健康仔猪各2头(公母各半),共24头进行屠宰试验。

    After the feeding trial , two similar weight healthy pigs ( same male and female ) were randomly chosen from per repetition of each group for a total of 24 with slaughter experiment .

  7. 选择年龄2~3岁,作重300~400千克的夏洛来杂公牛、西门塔尔杂公牛及黑白花公平等品种平共20头,用天津农学院研制的天农肥育牛用添加剂进行了肥育试验。

    20 heads of Charolais , Simmental crossing bulls and Holstein bulls with 300 to 400 kg liveweight at 2 or 3 years old were fattened using Tianlong cattle fattening additives made by Tianjin Agricultural College .

  8. 方法1980年3月~1996年4月,本院共收治头面部皮肤癌126例,采用单纯放疗与术后放疗两种不同治疗手段。

    Methods 126 patients with head or face cutaneum carcinoma cancer were treated in our hospital from March 1980 to April 1996 . 66 patients were treated by single Radiotherapy and 60 patients were treated by Radiotherapy after operation .

  9. 调查广西区内6个规模化养猪场及部分农户的生猪共315头,发现各生长阶段的猪均存在不同程度感染寄生虫(病)的现象。

    The number of 315 live pigs from 6 pig-farms in a large scale and some farmers in Guangxi were investigated . It was found that the pigs were infected with the parasitic disease to some extent in different growth period .

  10. 在该时间段内,共有122头露脊鲸、473头座头鲸(megapteranovaeangliae)、257头长须鲸(balaenopteraphysalus)和大量其他种类的鲸鱼死亡。

    During that time 122 right whales died , along with 473 humpbacks ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) , 257 fin whales ( Balaenoptera physalus ) and scores of whales of other species .

  11. 1984&1986年间,在上海郊区和江浙地区19个猪场用17批AEI灭活疫苗进行了40次田间免疫试验,共免疫2000头猪。

    In 1984 & 1986 , an AEI-inactivated porcine parvovirus vaccine was tested on 19 farms in the suburbs of Shanghai and some regions of Jiangsu Province and Zhejiang Province . In 40 field trials , 17 lots of vaccines were used in 2000 pigs .

  12. 今日刻斯特国家公园牧场上共有1200头美洲野牛。

    Today as many as 1,500 buffalo make a home on the range in Custer State Park .

  13. 宰后检验共有42头猪检出囊虫,检出率为0.21%。

    The cysticerci were examined in 42 of the immunized pigs , the inspection rate was 0.21 % .

  14. 目前园区共有八头会画画的大象,他们曾联合画出一幅长达十二公尺长的风景画,创下吉尼斯世界纪录。

    The camp has eight elephant artists , who set a Guinness record working together on a12-meter-long landscape painting .

  15. 据悉,共有3头野猪被警察击毙,其他则是在交通事故中被汽车压死,此外还有几头野猪咬伤了一些过路人。

    Three boars were shot by police , a number of others were killed in traffic accidents and several bit pedestrians .

  16. 日本去年同期共捕杀506头小须鲸,远低于原计划的850头。

    In the same period last year , Japan killed 506 minke whales , well below its planned catch of around 850 .

  17. 113头可移植牛移植2个月后,经妊娠检查共有47头怀孕,移植妊娠率为41.6%。

    After 2 months 47 cows have been found to be pregnant by pregnancy diagnose , with a 41.6 % in pregnancy rate .

  18. 共处理33头供体,有超排效果的23头,其中1头供体有排卵点100多个,无法计数。

    33 donors were treated , among which 23 had responded to the superovulation treatment and one exhibited the presence of more than 100 CL.

  19. 云南省曲靖市政府环保部门通报称,当地因非法倾倒铬渣导致的污染共造成77头牲畜死亡。

    Authorities said the drinking water in Qujing city , Yunnan , was safe after chromium dregs were illegally dumped in the city 's water , killing a total of77 livestock .

  20. 1975~1983年共输精21859头母猪,情期受胎率达56.25%(33.30~74.78),窝产仔为8.18头。试验证明我国猪冷冻精液的保存技术有所进展。

    25 % ( 33.30-74.78 % ) for 21,859 inseminations , and mean litter size was 8.18 ( 2-25 ) from 1975 to 1983 . The studies have proven that the deep-freezing preservation technique of boar semen is successful in China .

  21. 巨桉人工林四季共获15228头土壤动物(不包括原生动物),34个土壤动物类群,属7门14纲33目。

    The results were showed as follows : ( 1 ) By preliminary identification , there were 15228 specimens of soil fauna , which belonged to 33 orders , 14 classes and 7 phyla ( not including soil protozoa ) in Eucalyptus grandis plantation .

  22. 共观察了25头成年水牛脑,并随机取脑样10个,进行了各种测量,所得数据的平均值如下:脑长15.70厘米;

    Twenty five brains of the adult Chinese buffalo were investigated and a random sample of ten was used for various measurements .

  23. 共采集蚂蚁1704头,隶属于3亚科12属21种,其中包括13个已知种,8个待定种。

    Totally 1 704 ant samples were collected , which belonged to 21 species , 12 genera and 3 subfamilies . Among which 13 were known species and 8 were unknown ones .

  24. 结果如下:1.本次调查共检查猪760头,其中524头感染蓝耳病,感染率68.94%(524/760)。

    The results showed : 1 . The survey checked 760 farms , of which 524 infected with PRRS , infection rate of 68.94 % ( 524 / 760 ) . 2 .

  25. 通过9个微卫星座位,对安徽铜陵白鱀豚养护场内的半自然水域江豚饲养群体中的2头幼豚进行亲子鉴定,共分析了21头江豚样品。

    Nine microsatellite loci were used to detect the possible kinship relationship of two newborn finless porpoises with other 19 individuals from a breeding population in a semi-natural waters in Tongling , Anhui Province .

  26. 对三孔风景旅游区昆虫种类进行了全面调查,共获得昆虫299885头,其中群落抽样调查32820头,黑光灯诱集267065头,隶属14目、96科、350种。

    In Three Kong scenic spots , 299,885 insects ( including mites and spiders ) were obtained , among which 32,820 insects were sampled during investigations and 267,065 were collected by black traps , All the insects obtained belong to 14 orders , 96 families , 347 species , respectively .

  27. 结果调查皮毛加工厂、经商女工及围产期妇女共318人,弓形虫抗体阳性率4.72%;家畜共检测638头(只),弓形虫抗体阳性率31.03%。

    Results The prevalence rate of Anti-toxoplasma was 4.72 % in 318 leather factory female workers , female traders and perinatal women , 31.03 % in 638 domestic animals .