
  1. 从犯罪主体来看,索债型非法拘禁罪存在单独犯罪和共同犯罪的形式。

    From the crime subject to see behalf , type illegal detention sin exist alone in the form of joint crime and crime .

  2. 而随着社会体制的不断改革,当前的贪污犯罪也不再是孤立的个人犯罪,而是以共同犯罪的形式出现,这使得贪污犯罪的认定变得更加复杂。

    According to the continuous reform of the social system , the crime of corruption is no longer isolated individual crime , but the form of complicity , which makes the identification of crime of corruption becomes more complex .

  3. 共同犯罪的罪过形式研究

    Research on the Mens Rea for Joint Offense

  4. 总之,片面共犯是客观存在的一种犯罪形态,是共同犯罪的特殊形式。

    In short , one-sided accomplice is a criminal pattern of objective existence , and is a special form of common crime .

  5. 单向意思联络应是共同犯罪故意的表现形式之一。

    The unilateral contact should be one of the forms of intentional accomplice .

  6. 第四部分,受贿罪共同犯罪存在几种主要形式,如国家工作人员之间,国家工作人员与非国家工作人员共同受贿等几种形式。

    The fourth part , bribery crime several major forms of existence , Such as state personnel , personnel and state between staff together several forms , such as bribery .

  7. 片面共犯应该成立,其就是共同犯罪,只不过是共同犯罪的特殊形式,不同于全面共犯。

    One-sided accomplice should be established , which is a common crime , but a special form of common crime , unlike the full complicity .

  8. 笔者辨析得出:传统共犯理论对共同故意只能是双向意思联络的理解是狭隘的、不完整的;单向意思联络也是共同犯罪故意的表现形式。

    The author analyses the traditional complicity theory and concludes that it is a narrow and incomplete view that only double-sided contact of intention is common intent in it . One-sided contact of intention is also the form of the intent of complicity .

  9. 利用影响力受贿罪与(特定关系人共同)受贿罪的区别有如下几个方面:(1)前者是新增的独立罪名,后者是受贿罪的共同犯罪形式。

    Use of bribery and influence ( special relationship people together ) the difference between accepting bribes the following aspects : ( 1 ) the former is independent of the new charges , which is a common form of crime bribery .