
gòng shí
  • consensus;common understanding;common view
共识 [gòng shí]
  • [common understanding] 指一个社会不同阶层、不同利益的人所寻求的共同认识、价值、理想

  • 这个问题已经获得朝野的共识

共识[gòng shí]
  1. 随着以Internet为代表的包交换网络的兴起,在包交换网络上构建下一代网络,统一提供语音、数据、视频等多媒体综合业务已成为业界共识。

    Along with the emergence of exchanging network that takes the Internet as its represent-ative , setting up the next generation network in pack exchanging network to provide unified multi-media integrated service , such as audio , data and video etc , has become common view of communication community .

  2. 网上交易已经成为企业的共识。

    Exchanges on Internet become a common view of the enterprises .

  3. 她擅长就敏感问题进行斡旋达成共识。

    She is skilled at achieving consensus on sensitive issues .

  4. 教师们对必须加强学校的保安有普遍的共识。

    There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools .

  5. 危险因素会与日俱增已成为共识。

    The consensus is that risk factors have an accumulative effect .

  6. 他们最终逐渐达成共识,终于取得了一些进展。

    At last they were agreeing , at last they were getting somewhere

  7. 共识政治很可能再度兴起。

    Consensus politics could easily come back into fashion .

  8. 对改革的必要性已经达成了共识。

    There is agreement on the necessity of reforms

  9. 双方达成共识,他们的谈话对他们去那儿的原因完全避而不谈。

    By common consent their talk avoided the reason for their being there at all

  10. 我意识到人们对什么是男性价值观和什么是女性价值观并无共识。

    I realize there 's no consensus on what are male or female values .

  11. 无法就此事达成共识引起了人们对可能会诉诸法律手段的担忧。

    Failure to arrive at a consensus over the issue raised the spectre of legal action

  12. 冲突的原因似乎是在候选人名单方面没有达成共识。

    It seems that what lay behind the clashes was disagreement over the list of candidates .

  13. 该决定在今天的会议之前就已达成原则上的共识,但围绕这一决定还存在一些争议。

    The decision had been agreed in principle before today 's meeting , but some controversy surrounded it

  14. 最富的房主和最穷的房主观点趋于一致,达成了新的共识。

    The views of the richest householders converged with those of the poorest and created a new consensus .

  15. 股票市场的丑闻迟迟没有消散,这主要是因为人们仍未就如何应对它达成共识。

    The stock-market scandal is refusing to go away , mainly because there 's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with

  16. 再三考虑之后,他们达成了共识。

    After much consideration , they arrived at a consensus .

  17. 他表示两国之间存在推动世界经济平衡发展方面存在诸多的共识。

    He did , however , say that the two countries share a common interest in delivering sustainable growth that will help rebalance the global economy .

  18. 直到去年,经济界的共识还是货币政策能快速平稳经济,而且比退税以及政府支出成本低。

    Until last year , the economic consensus was that monetary policy could smooth the business cycle with greater speed and less waste than countercyclical taxes or spending .

  19. 在过去几十年里,关于如何在美国出人头地似乎有一个共识。

    For the past several decades , it seems there 's been a general consensus on how to get ahead in America .

  20. 我们集思广益,一起商讨,然后对如何解决该问题达成了共识。

    We 've put our heads together and reached an agreement on how we should tackle the issue .

  21. 在国际和地区问题上,两国交集持续扩大,共识不断增加。

    On international and regional issues , our two countries have increasingly broader common ground and common understanding .

  22. 毕竟,如果9个睿智的人可以在一件事情上达成共识,那这个事情就是“正常”的,而那个持反对意见的第10个人就应该上绞刑架。

    For what is normal is that upon which nine wise people can agree , leaving the tenth to swing from a hangman 's rope .

  23. 可切除Ⅲ期N2非小细胞肺癌治疗共识与争议

    Controversy in The Treatment of Resectable Stage ⅲ - N2 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

  24. “华盛顿共识(washingtonconsensus)”曾经为其它所有国家制定了规则。

    The Washington consensus once set the rules for everyone else .

  25. 重构中国的外商投资立法体系已成共识,中国加入WTO是其有利的外部因素。

    It is generally agreed that the system of Chinese foreign investment legislation should be reconstructed .

  26. 把IP分组网作为NGN的承载网,已经被人们所共识。

    It is well-known to people that the NGN bearer network is IP network .

  27. 特别是ERP系统对企业经营管理提供强大的支持这一观点在业内已经达成广泛共识,超过半数的药品零售连锁企业在信息管理系统的选择上更倾向于ERP系统。

    Especially this view about ERP system provide strong support for business management has been reached broad consensus in the industry .

  28. IETF达成共识,共同管理该方案。

    The IETF consensus process manages the schemes .

  29. HFC134a作为CFCs的最佳替代物,已在全球达成共识。

    As the best substitute of CFCs , HFC 134a has been accepted in the world .

  30. 标准普尔(S&P)昨日将复星国际(FosunInternational)的评级展望从BB-下调至负面,这表明就连各评级机构也无法就债务驱动的并购热潮的风险形成共识。

    S & P yesterday lowered its outlook on Fosun International 's BB-minus rating to negative , illustrating that even rating agencies cannot agree on the risks of a debt-fuelled deal spree .