
  • 网络children's stories;stories for children
  1. 北京——阳光和游戏不是曹文轩儿童故事的标志。

    BEIJING - Sunshine and playtime are not the hallmarks of Cao Wenxuan 's stories for children .

  2. 最初,我手头只有很少几本凸版(盲文)书籍——几册启蒙读物,一本儿童故事集,还有一本有关地球知识的书,叫做《我们的世界》。

    At first I had only a few books in raised print - " readers " for beginners , a collection of stories for children , and a book about the earth called " Our World . " I think that was all ;

  3. 它改编自德国作家埃里希·卡特纳(ErichK?stner)1929年的同名儿童故事,是魏玛德国时期道德生活的寓言,暗示了黑暗即将到来。

    Based on a 1929 German children 's book by Erich K ? stner , the play offered a moral parable of life in Weimar Germany , with hints of the darkness to come .

  4. 论儿童故事中的隐喻框架和概念整合

    The Metaphor Framing and the Conceptual Integration in Children 's Stories

  5. 这本书属于儿童故事一类。

    The book falls into the class of children 's stories .

  6. 儿童故事理解的加工过程及其启示

    The Processing of Children 's Story Understanding and its Inspirations

  7. 他是一个幽默家、现实者、儿童故事作家。

    He is a humorist and realist , even a children-story writer .

  8. 该杂志以刊登儿童故事为特色。

    The magazine makes a feature of children 's stories .

  9. 著名的儿童故事《木偶奇遇记》的作者是意大利人。

    The famous children 's story Pinocchio was written by an Italian .

  10. 马克·吐温作为儿童故事作家而著称。

    Mark Twin was famous as a children-story writer .

  11. 在儿童故事中,女巫常常骑着她们的扫帚飞行。

    In children 's stories , witches are usually flying with their brooms .

  12. 出现在法国儿童故事中的虚构的象。

    An imaginary elephant that appears in a series of French books for children .

  13. 一本有趣味的儿童故事书。

    An interesting story book for children .

  14. 开始可看些儿童故事书。

    Start with children 's storybooks .

  15. 他正试图搞到一种以儿童故事为特色的杂志。

    He was trying to get a magazine that makes a feature of children 's stories .

  16. 我还认为电视可以领孩子们进入文学世界。电视上经常有儿童故事出现。

    And I also think television is good for introducing children to good literature and children stories .

  17. 立足于时代扎根于现实&评张有德的儿童故事与小说创作

    On Basis of Era and Reality & A Comment on Children 's Stories and Novels of Zhang Youde

  18. 这是什么意思?,上帝是个玩具?,上帝是个儿童故事?

    What does that mean ? God is just a toy ? God is a children 's story ?

  19. 在我的分析中发现,儿童故事里有相当丰富的隐喻信息。

    In my analysis , I found that there are some rich metaphorical messages in the stories of children .

  20. 他们的恋爱结局是皆大欢喜(有如大多数儿童故事的结尾)。

    Their love affair had a story-book ending , ie ended happily , as most children 's stories do .

  21. 仅管他在小说写作上颇为成功,终将名气带给安徒生的还是儿童故事。

    Despite his success in novel writing , it was children 's tales that eventually brought Hans Christian Andersen fame .

  22. 儿童故事里的恶人总会自作自受;现实世界里则不然。

    While the villains in children 's stories always get what they deserve , those in the real world do not .

  23. 其主要工作是运用自然语言处理技术从儿童故事文本中提取动画创作所需的故事要素与情节信息,用于辅助导演分镜头剧本创作以及交互式的动画创作。

    The main work is to use natural language processing techniques to extract information that is needed in animation from story texts .

  24. 在现代和当代的文献、平易近歌、传说、神话、儿童故事和动绘中,皆有有关熊的材料。

    References to bears are found in ancient and modern literature , folk songs , legends , mythology , children stories , and cartoons .

  25. 从传奇、民间传说、儿童故事到好莱坞电影,猫头鹰一直是夜间守望者——有时阴险,但总是很聪明。

    From legends , folklore , children 's tales to Hollywood , owls have always been the night watchmen - sometimes sinister , always smart .

  26. 这个故事格外出彩的地方是可以立即被改编成一个二战前的儿童故事,甚至连救援者的名字都无需修改。

    This story scores extra delightfulness points by being immediately transplantable into an interwar children 's novel without even changing the name of the rescuer .

  27. 例如,一位志愿者想用其语言(舒格尼语)写一本儿童故事书和一本菜谱。

    One volunteer , for example , wants to write a storybook for children in her language ( Shughni ) , and also a recipe book .

  28. 虽然这位男士从来没有去过纽约,他作为童话及儿童故事作家的名望,却超越故土、远扬他乡。

    Although this man never actually visited New York , his fame as a writer of fairy tales and childrens stories has spread far beyond his homeland .

  29. 哑剧通常以《穿靴子的猫》、《杰克与豆茎》、《笛克·威汀顿》或《森林里的宝贝们》之类著名的儿童故事为基础改编。

    A pantomime is always based on a well-known children 's story such as Puss-in-Boots , Tack and the Beanstalk , Dick Whittington or Babies in the Wood .

  30. 如果只是把《西游记》当成儿童故事,或当成惩恶扬善的幽默谈笑,那是一种悲剧。

    It would be a tragedy to read Record of A Journey to the West as a tale for children or a joke of punishing the evil to uphold the good .