
cháng shèng
  • ever victorious
常胜[cháng shèng]
  1. 如果欧盟(EU)举办非正式的街头抗议锦标赛,最常胜出的想必是希腊和法国。

    If there was an informal European Union championship for street protest then Greece and France would be the two most regular winners .

  2. 团队里的几个核心成员,包括Ann,告诉我他们希望自己所在的团队是个目标高于一切的常胜团队,团队成员甚至不需要任何个人生活。

    Several of my key staff , including Ann , had told me that they expect a winning team to be one that is so dedicated to their goals that the team members do not have any personal life .

  3. 我最讨厌文本中出现“winningest(常胜的)”,比如“迈克尔·舒马赫是有史以来的最常胜(winningest)赛车手”。

    My pet hate is " winningest " , used in the context " Michael Schumacher is the winningest driver of all time . "

  4. 一点小常识常胜过很多有价值的学问。

    A handful of common sense is worth bushel of learning .

  5. 一个新球场加上常胜球队。

    With a new stadium and a winning team .

  6. 他说,尼日利亚足球队常胜不败,直到最后一战。

    He noted that the football team was undefeated until the final game .

  7. 竿子最长打的柿子最多,强者常胜。

    The longest pole knocks the most persimmons .

  8. 保持常胜的唯一途径是使自己置身于失败者之中。

    The only way to stay a winner is to surround yourself with losers .

  9. 世上唯有双赢才可使人常胜。

    Only win-win game could make one succeed .

  10. 历史证明,世上没有常胜不败的军队,现在没有,过去也从来没有。

    History shows that there are no invincible armies , and never have been .

  11. 围绕这位冠军的常胜神话被她未取得参赛资格所打破。

    The myth of invincibility surrounding the champion was shattered by her failure to qualify .

  12. 常胜的歌手

    A Singer Who Always Wins

  13. 在考试上很少有“常胜之师”,即使平时成绩再好的同学,也难免会有偶尔的失误。

    Even though one will be very good in everyday study , he cannot succeed in every exam sometimes .

  14. 在常胜鲍鱼店工作和培训过的员工,派到别处即是部门经理的人才。

    Abalone winners in the shop and trained staff , that is assigned to another department manager of human resources .

  15. 德国的法西斯军队,难道像大言不惭的法西斯宣传家不断吹嘘那样,真是常胜不败吗?

    Is it really true that German Fascist troops are invincible , as is ceaselessly trumpeted by boastful fascist propagandists ?

  16. 这匹常胜马可能赢不了^-^这场比赛,因为它的骑手体重较重,丧失了五⑤磅优势`。

    The favourite may not win this race , as he has a heavy rider and is giving away five pounds .

  17. 如果你身处一支常胜球队,你肯定知道自己有可能成为其中很重要的一份子。

    If you are in a team which wins trophies and you know you can be an important part of that squad .

  18. 通过创新的系统,来发现如何打造冠军常胜团队的秘诀,在俱乐部运营中做到极佳的会员卡销售以及会员保持率。

    Discover the secrets on how to lead a championship winning team through a breakthrough system to skyrocket membership sales and retention in club operations .

  19. 那个向政府告密、背叛常胜军的家伙,他叫凯里,每天早晨都来领圣体。

    That fellow that turned queen 's evidence on the invincibles he used to receive the , Carey was his name , the communion every morning .

  20. 一支常胜之师的特征就是要临危不惧,将颓败和消沉的绪转化为主动的东西。

    The characteristics of a team who wins often is to have no fear , and to use the frustration and disappointment to turn that into positive things .

  21. “先相马再赛马”&驴和马的区别在于,前者訽地转圈,后者奋力向前。贝能首先会选择好马,但要想在赛马场上常胜不败,就要跑得比别人多。

    " Competition " & The difference of ass and horse lies in the former always runs at the same circle while the latter manages to go forward .

  22. 商场如战场,一个能够充分考虑各种因素,制定完整战略,执行有效战术的团队将是一个常胜的团队。

    The market like battlefield , can consider fully each kind of factor , the formulation complete strategy , will carry out the effective tactical team will be Chang a Sheng team .

  23. 清政府对常胜军的利用产生了颇为重要的历史影响。

    There were two phases of the Qing Dynasty government 's attitude towards the Ever Victorious Army on the whole , and the using of this army brought much historical influence on the Late Qing Dynasty .

  24. 在国际足球赛场上失意多年后,中国政府希望自己的球队能开始闯出成绩。在官方鼓励之下,其他投资人也开始涉足中国球队,他们投入巨资,好让自己经营的队伍也能赶上常胜军广州队。

    Encouraged by a government that wants to see China start punching its weight after years of underachievement in the global game , other investors have become involved in Chinese teams and are spending big in a bid to catch the dominant Guangzhou franchise .