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  1. 11岁的牛牛于去年签约国际唱片公司EMI(百代)唱片并于今年夏天发行了他的个人首张演奏专辑。

    The11-year-old signed by EMI last year released his first album earlier this summer .

  2. 2007年,牛牛签约EMI(百代唱片公司),成为全球最年轻的签约国际古典品牌专属古典钢琴艺术家。

    In2007 , Niu Niu joined EMI family and thus became the world 's youngest classic pianist signed by international classic music brands .

  3. 潘达的到来,给牛牛的宅男生活带来了新的活力。

    Panda 's advent , bring the new energy to Niuniu .

  4. 牛牛:我知道你在唐人街已经吃过中餐。

    Niuniu : I know you have had Chinese food in chinatown .

  5. 牛牛:北京以烤鸭著名。

    Niuniu : Beijing is known for its roast duck !

  6. 乐乐弟弟突然去抓了一下牛牛弟弟的脸。

    A little boy named Lele scratched another boy named Niuniu suddenly .

  7. 牛牛:请你挪开点儿行不?

    Niuniu : Would you please move a little bit ?

  8. 牛牛:安迪,我想请你吃饭。

    Niuniu : Andy , I 'd like to invite you to dinner .

  9. 牛牛写作业花了两个小时。

    Niu Niu spent two hours on his homework .

  10. 牛牛能为我开窗户呢,我要尽快学会啊。

    Niuniu can open the window for me , I will learn it soon .

  11. 牛牛,愿你的在天之灵保佑妈妈!

    New-new , I wished you blessed me !

  12. 牛牛是个大暖包,有点儿沉,却很舒服喔。

    Niuniu is a big warm bag , a bit heavy , but very comfy .

  13. 11月11日,在爱悠走失前最后一张抱着爱悠和牛牛一起的照片。

    11th , Nov , the last picture as hold Aiu & Niuniu together before missing .

  14. 钢琴教授与神童牛牛

    Professor and Whiz Kid

  15. 然后就陪在牛牛身边,不肯回家吃饭。

    Then , she sat beside Niuniu to be a company , reluctant to go home for supper .

  16. 长期以来,牛牛除了吃,就是睡,偶尔捉捉老鼠,业余生活比较贫乏。

    For quite some time , Niuniu just eat , sleep , occasionally catch mice , lacking hobbies .

  17. 牛牛:是啊,他们有美味的蟹,对虾,和各种各样鱼类。

    Niuniu : Exactly ! They have yummy crab , prawn , and different kinds of fresh fish .

  18. 牛牛:这家海鲜馆是本城最好的,我希望你能喜欢这些美味的菜肴。

    Niuniu : This is the best seafood restaurant in town , I wish you enjoy those delicious foods .

  19. 阉牛指一种成年的被阉割了的牛牛属尤指金牛主要被用作拉车的动物。

    An adult castrated bull of the genus bos , especially b.taurus , used chiefly as a draft animal .

  20. 各自休整,这些受伤的花盆都是以前牛牛和爱悠的“战果”呦,会出现更多吧?

    Have a rest , these broken flowerpots are the " result " from Niuniu & Aiu , would be more ?

  21. 潘达这个活泼的小伙伴儿激活了牛牛的童年记忆,那些曾经和爱悠玩过的游戏又回来了。

    The little partner active Panda update the memory of Niuniu 's childrenhood , the games ever played with Aiu come back again .

  22. 牛牛:你知道,我经常教老外怎么使用筷子,但是看上去对他们比较困难。

    Niuniu : You know , I often teach my foreign friends how to use chopsticks , seems it 's a tough job for them .

  23. 网狐6.5牛牛游戏源代码,“牛牛”主要流行于我国浙南一带,玩法非常简单。

    Cow Fox network game source code ," Cow " is prevalent in the area of the south of Zhejiang , gameplay is very simple .

  24. 无论你多么了解某人,他们经常会让你感到意外,同时会迅速激发小牛牛的牛脾气。

    However well you know someone , they could always spring a surprise , and at the same time the emotional temperature could rise very quickly .

  25. 牛牛们必须明白,其他人因为那些直接关系到了工作、地位和渴望突破上的问题所以更倾向于拌嘴和争执。

    You 'll realise that other people are inclined to bicker and do battle over stuff that 's directly linked to jobs , reputations and making progress .

  26. 看守人解释说牛牛把它的孩子放在它的胸脯是为了给它还没有任何毛发的孩子取暖。

    The keeper explained that Niuniu put the baby on her chest in order to keep it warm since the baby did not have any fur yet .

  27. 我当时正一手吃早餐,一手爱抚着我的猫牛牛,同时在看燕麦片盒子背面的信息。

    I was eating breakfast with one hand , petting my cat , Cow , with the other , and reading the back of the cereal box , whenYOUCH !

  28. 牛牛,你天性喜欢在平静的情绪水面航行,但当别人的价值观与你冲突时你也会激起些许的浪花。

    You naturally prefer to sail on calmer emotional waters , but you can also stir up a few waves of your own when your values clash with someone else 's.

  29. 沪江英乐讯世界最年轻的签约国际古典品牌专属古典钢琴艺术家&牛牛即将在2008年12月23日在国家大剧院举行钢琴独奏会。

    One of the world 's youngest professional pianists Niu Niu is going to give his solo recital at the National Center for the Performing Arts on December . 23,2008 .

  30. 黄色的小星星则是玩家的对头,他们会自动向着玩家追杀过来,一旦让他们碰到的话,牛牛就会损失一次生命。

    Yellow star is the players head , they will automatically toward the player to kill them , but once they encounter , Niuniu there will be a loss of a life .