
  • 网络Beef Tofu;beef with bean curd
  1. 按照字面意思,“Sukiyaki”就是在铁锹(suki)上面烤牛肉、豆腐和韭菜等蔬菜。

    Sukiyaki refers directly to broiling beef on the spade , along with soybean curd , leeks , and vegetables .

  2. 我吃米饭,牛肉和豆腐。

    I have rice , beef and tofu .

  3. 川菜中其他颇有名头的菜还有盐焗蒜香虾、煸牛肉、婆豆腐以及豆瓣鱼。

    Other dishes to try are shrimps with salt and garlic , dried chili beef , bean curd with chili , and fish in spicy bean sauce .