
  • 【航天】Newtonian theory
  1. 爱因斯坦的广义相对论所预言的运动与牛顿理论稍有差异。

    Einstein 's general theory of relativity predicted a slightly different motion from Newton 's theory .

  2. (牛顿理论还有一个巨大的优点,即应用起来比爱因斯坦的理论要简单得多。)

    ( Newton 's theory also has the great advantage that it is much simpler to work with than Einstein 's !)

  3. 时间计量的理论基础也由经典的牛顿理论发展为广义相对论。

    Then the theoretical foundation of time measurement changes from Newtonian theory to the General Relativity Theory ( GRT ) . A single clock is not sufficient to realize a coordinate time scale .

  4. 本文基于在经典弹性理论和牛顿理论,引入应变梯度理论,并在考虑空气阻力作用的情况下,对微梁弯曲,微梁扭转和微薄板弯曲进行分析,研究其动力学中的尺度效应。

    Based on elastic theory , the classical Newton theory , and the strain gradient theory , I will discuss the effect of scale effect in MEMS when girder bends , girder converses , and sheet bends .

  5. 因此,行星、航天器和光子等等完全不同的物体在引力场中的运动轨道可以用完全相同的物理机制&加速度各向异性理论扩展了的牛顿理论加以描述。

    Thus , the movement orbits in gravitation field for the planets , the aircraft , the photon and so on complete different objects can be described with totally same physics mechanism the extended Newtonian Mechanics by the anisotropy of acceleration of body in move .

  6. 本文所提出的方法,是为了得到在超音速范围内钝头旋成体的压力分布,是由滞止区中的修正牛顿理论与表面流动变为超音速时的二次冲波&膨胀波理论所组成;

    The paper presents a method to obtain the pressure distributions on blunt bodies of revolution in the supersonic-speed range . The method consists basically of a modified Newtonian theory for the stagnation region in correlation with the second-order shock-expansion theory when the surface flow becomes supersonic .

  7. 基于非牛顿流体理论,建立了盖片胶的平面扩散模型,使用有限元软件Adina,基于流体体积法进行运动界面追踪,对模型进行了模拟仿真,并与实验结果进行了对比验证。

    Based on non-Newtonian fluid theory , the adhesive 's planar spreading model was founded , the finite element software Adina was employed to trace the moving interface based on the method of Volume of Fluid ( VOF ), and experiments were performed to validate the simulative results .

  8. 牛顿流理论及其在谐振机翼上的应用

    Newtonian Flow Theory and Its Application on Harmonic Oscillating Wings

  9. 本文在进行高超音速气动分析时,应用修正的牛顿碰撞理论和一阶平面面元法计算运载器的气动特性,求出它的配平攻角和升阻比;

    Newtonian Impact Theory and One-order Panel Method are used for hypersonic aerodynamic analysis .

  10. 与此相反,牛顿的理论只允许用大梯阶量联系远距离事件。

    In Newton 's theory on the contrary , only big steps connecting distant events are permissible .

  11. 那时,牛顿引力理论和逃逸速度的观念是广为人知的。

    At that time , the Newtonian theory of gravity and the concept of escape velocity were well known .

  12. 例如,根据牛顿的理论,加速度随距离变化,而距离也随加速度变化。

    On the Newtonian theory , for instance , acceleration varies with distance , but distance also varies with acceleration .

  13. 具有讽刺意味的是另一个差异在地球的轨道,有助于指出缺点牛顿的理论。

    Ironically , it was another discrepancy in a planet 's orbit that helped to point out flaws in Newton 's theory .

  14. 亚声速气动力采用面源法计算,高超声速气动力采用修正的牛顿流理论计算。

    Panel Method was used for subsonic aerodynamic analysis , and the Modified Newtonian Impact Theory was used for hypersonic aerodynamic analysis .

  15. 推导出直线加速参考系中的引力场的时空线元,并由此得到牛顿引力理论中的经典运动学公式。

    The space-time linear element of gravitational field in linear accelerated system is derived , from which the classical kinematics formulae are obtained .

  16. 例如,对水星非常精确的观测揭示了它的运动与牛顿引力理论的预言略有不同。

    For example , very accurate observations of the planet Mercury revealed a small difference between its motion and the predictions of Newton 's theory of gravity .

  17. 方法中包括一个应用牛顿力学理论的二维的高超声速空气动力学分析以及一个一维的气动/热分析,后者用于模型发动机中的流体分析。

    The method involves a two-dimensional hypersonic aerodynamic analysis utilizing Newtonian theory , coupled with a one-dimensional aero / thermo analysis of the flow in the engine of the vehicle .

  18. 接着,开普勒又证明椭圆轨道模型同样适用于解释其他行星的运行轨迹,并且依此模型足以归纳出行星运行定律,而这些定律日后成为了牛顿的理论基础。

    Kepler went on to show that an elliptical orbit is sufficient to explain the movement of the other planets and to devise the laws of planetary motion that Newton built on .

  19. 以往的后牛顿引力理论都是在一个参考系中考虑问题,这样不能计及相对论多极矩的贡献,因为它们要在局部参考系中计算。

    The previous post-Newtonian theory can only consider questions in one global coordinate system , therefore they cannot correctly calculate the relativistic contribution from multipole moments which should be calculated in the local coordinates .

  20. 牛顿的引力理论只是一种更普遍理论的近似形式。

    Newton 's theory of gravitation is an approximation of a more general theory .

  21. 牛顿的重力理论假设了超距作用,明显违反了相对论原理。

    Newtonian gravity assumes action at a distance , in clear violation of the principle of relativity .

  22. 这时,他开始考虑怎样将牛顿的引力理论溶入到新理论中。

    As he did this , he began to wonder how Newton 's definition of gravity fit in with this theory .

  23. 首先,在第一章中,我们给出几个混沌系统的例子,说明了牛顿轨道动力学理论在研究复杂的动力学系统时的局限性。

    At first we give several examples of chaotic system to prove the limitation of the classical Newtonian dynamical theory when we investigate the complicated dynamical system .

  24. 在科学的历史上,我们已经发现了一系列越来越完善的理论和模型,从柏拉图到牛顿的经典理论到现代量子理论。

    In the history of science we have discovered a sequence of better and better theories or models , from Plato to the classical theory of Newton to modern quantum theories .

  25. 结合牛顿定律的理论分析将剪切应力与剪切速率的关系转换成搅拌扭矩与转速的关系,用来判断熔体的流变特性。

    In terms of Newton theory , the relationship between shearing stress and rate was converted into the one of torsion and rotational speed , which was adopted to judge the rheologic property of melt .

  26. 虽然牛顿的引力理论基本上足以描述太阳系的运动,但对于密度极大的物体,比如脉冲星和黑洞,广义相对论就不可或缺了。

    While Newton 's theory of gravity is mostly good enough to describe the motions of the solar system , it is around very dense objects like pulsars and black holes that general relativity becomes indispensable .

  27. 根据非牛顿流体力学理论、渗流力学和采油工艺原理等知识,给出了电泵井油井流入动态预测公式及聚驱电泵采油选泵方法;

    Based on non Newtonian liquid mechanical theory , seepage flow mechanics and production technology the inflow performance prediction expression of electric pump producers and pump selection method of pump production for polymer flooding are given in this paper ;

  28. 根据渗流力学理论、非牛顿流体力学理论、采油工艺原理和节点系统分析方法等知识,对聚驱电泵井生产系统中流体运动规律做了较为全面的论述和分析。

    According to the seepage flow mechanics theory , non-Newton fluid mechanics theory , production technology theory and nodal system analysis theory , a full description , analysis , derivation to the fluid 's flow behavior of the production system of electric submersible pump well with polymer flooding was made .

  29. 牛顿流体角落流理论在板块俯冲中的应用

    Application of corner fluid theory of NEWTONIA fluid to plate subduction

  30. 法国相遇牛顿&牛顿引力理论给法国带来的冲击

    France Encounters Newton & The Shock of Newtonian Gravitational Theory to France