
  • 网络massive star
  1. 大质量星形成区的高速气体搜寻

    A Search for High Velocity Gas in Massive Star Formation Regions

  2. 某些脉冲星(中子星)可能是失去外层的大质量星爆发而产生的,这些事件并不伴随着明亮的超新星出现。

    Some pulsars are probably formed in the explosion of a massive star that has lost its envelope , these events may not be accompanied by a bright supernovae display .

  3. S.过程核合成可以为大质量星的演化和对流提供有用的约束。

    S-process nucleosynthesis may be a useful constraint for the evolution and convection in massive stars .

  4. 这种情形意味着那里有冷分子气体,它是形成大质量高温星、产生HⅡ区的原始气尘云残余。

    This circumstance means that cool molecular gas is located there , a vestige of the original gas-dust cloud from which not massive stars were formed , spawning HII zones .

  5. 当一个大质量原星接近主星序时,它的表面温度是低的,因而不能电离周围的气体。

    When a massive proto-star approaches the main sequence , its surface temperature is low and it can not ionize the ambient gas .

  6. 根据多样性的13CO(1→0)谱线轮廓,分析了大质量年轻星成协分子云核的运动和结构。

    The kinematics and structures of molecular cloud cores associated with massive YSOs were analyzed from the various 13 CO ( 1 → 0 ) line profiles .

  7. 如果在恒星演化过程有磁应力来支撑引力,超过中子星质量上限的大质量中子星则不致于坍缩成黑洞。

    If the magnetic stress bears up the gravitation in the stellar evolution , the big mass neutron star over the neutron - star mass can not collapse into a black hole .