
dà dū
  • mostly;universally;Dadu;for the most part
大都 [dà dū]
  • [universally;mostly;for the most part] 几乎全部或大多数

  • 夜幕降临,动物大都走向高处,都想得到合适的光照

  • [Dadu] 中国元朝(1271-1368)首都,即今北京,1272 年在营建中命名大都,意指天下最大都城

大都[dà dū]
  1. 学生们大都能了解我讲课的内容。

    The student could for the most part follow my lecture .

  2. 他们大都玩电子类的东西,像电子游戏啊之类的。

    For the most part , they play electronic something .

  3. 飞机坠毁的遇难者大都是立即惨死。

    Most of the crash victims were killed outright .

  4. 俄罗斯报章大都支持总统。

    Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president .

  5. 人们大都不愿意老围着灶台转。

    Most people don 't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove .

  6. 英国最顶尖的教练大都坐在台边区。

    Most of the top British trainers were at the ringside .

  7. 关于我们的报道大都是彻头彻尾的胡编乱造。

    Much of what has been written about us is out-and-out lies .

  8. 这些罪案大都是由以犯罪为生的职业罪犯制造的。

    These crimes were committed largely by professional criminals who lived by crime .

  9. 美国国会和媒体大都没搞清这一切的核心问题。

    The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this .

  10. 现在再次聚集到他周围的人穿戴大都差不多。

    Most of the men who now gathered round him again were similarly dressed .

  11. 该地区的环境破坏大都是由于规划不善造成的。

    Much of the region 's environmental depredation is a result of poor planning .

  12. 在大都会歌剧院的试唱失败后,她转而投身歌舞喜剧。

    After failing a singing audition at the Metropolitan Opera , she turned to musical comedy .

  13. 两年前,他正式签字将他的艺术收藏品转让给了纽约大都会艺术博物馆。

    Two years ago , he signed over his art collection to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art

  14. 参加聚会的男子大都非常年轻。

    The men at the party were mostly fairly young .

  15. 元代建都于大都,即今之北京。

    The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu , now Beijing .

  16. 按现金收付制规定,企业收到的现金大都作为收入处理,付出的现金大都作为费用处理。

    Under the cash basis of accounting most receipts of money are revenues and most expenditures of money are expenses .

  17. 经验丰富的演讲者大都在一开场就极力唤起听众的好奇心。

    An experienced public speaker usually begins by arousing the audience 's curiosity .

  18. 我家里的人大都擅长音乐,是世传的。

    Most of my family are musicians , it is in the blood .

  19. 这些诗歌大都是工人写的。

    Most of these poems were written by workers .

  20. 那些战争大都是些局部冲突。

    The war consisted largely of limited actions .

  21. 这个系正处在青黄不接的时期,青年教师大都还不成熟。

    This department is in a period of crisis right now because most of the young teachers are still inexperienced .

  22. 消费类电子产品展大都追求炫酷。

    So much of what CES has been about is the cool .

  23. 例如,为什么盐湖城地铁区是穷人最有可能富起来的100个最大的大都市区之一,而亚特兰大地铁区是最不可能的城市区之一?

    What explains , for instance , why the Salt Lake City metro area is one of the 100 largest metropolitan areas most likely to lift the fortunes of the poor and the Atlanta metro area is one of the least likely ?

  24. 《大都会之冰》,演讲人马尔科姆·塔克。

    Ice for the Metropolis , by Malcolm Tucker .

  25. 纽约大都会博物馆

    The Metropolitan Museum of Art

  26. 从小到大都有人说我迟钝,但我17岁的时候智商就达到了150,我一点儿也不傻。

    Growing up , I had people telling me I was too slow , though , with an IQ of 150 + at 17 , I 'm anything but stupid .

  27. 新首都大都的街道是那么直,那么宽。

    The streets of the new capital , Daidu , are so straight and so wide .

  28. ❶以ham结尾的地名规则:字母h通常不发音伯明翰伯明翰是英格兰和英国的第二大城市和大都会区。

    Birmingham is the second-largest city and metropolitan1 area in England and the United Kingdom .

  29. 这位年轻的女高音歌唱家下个月将在纽约大都会歌剧院举行首演。

    This young soprano debuts next month at the metropolitan opera .

  30. 企业十分需要有经验和技术的员工,他们大都在五六十岁左右。

    Experienced technicians in their 50s and 60s are treasures for enterprises .