
  1. 结论:冠心病患者太白穴的某些波段处红外辐射强度变化承载心脏的病理信息。

    Conclusion : There is pathological information in the infrared radiation spectrum of Taibai ( Sp3 ) in patient with coronary heart disease .

  2. 方法:采用自制高灵敏度PHE201体表红外光谱仪检测48名冠心病患者和47名健康成年人太白穴1.5~15.9μm波段红外辐射光谱。

    Methods : A high-sensitive detecting device of infrared radiation was applied to observe the infrared radiation spectrum of Taibai ( Sp3 ) from 1.5 ~ 15.9 μ m in 47 healthy people and 48 patients with coronary heart disease .

  3. 健康女性月经前后太白、冲阳穴伏安特性观察

    Volt-Ampere Nature of Acupoints Taibai ( SP3 ) and Chongyang ( ST 42 ) in Healthy Women Around Menstruation