- space travel

The young man has a bee in his head about space travel .
Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground for space travel .
This is a voyage into space .
Just half a dozen holiday-makers have reached orbit since then , for similarly astronomical price tags .
How Virgin Galactic , regulators and the public respond to this most recent tragedy will determine whether and how soon private space travel can transcend that playground .
Space travel can be so delightful but at the same time invisibly dangerous .
" I 've always wanted to travel into space , " she says .
And finding a source of water could be the key to making the lunar surface not just a place to visit but a place to stay .
The " Taptic Engine " underneath the aluminum pad leaves the user with the impression that it 's traveling in space .
World View Enterprises - For $ 75000 per seat , a pressurized capsule is hauled up by a space balloon and parafoil to 100000 feet above earth .
marvel Space travel is one of the marvels of our time .
The Mars One Project - It 's free , but there 's a catch - " pioneer settlers " will not return to Earth , but will live and work on Mars , making it their permanent new home .
It comes as no surprise that the social accounts of free-spirit Virgin Group co-founder Richard Branson are chockablock with spaceship riding , deep-sea diving , and - wait , was that a picture of him kite-surfing with a naked model on his back ?
The trio will return to Earth in early May on another Soyuz after giving Lu and Malenchenko a weeklong tour .
At the core of Men in Black is the relationship between agents K and J. Somewhere between the aliens and space travel there 's a story about two partners-a futuristic take on those timeless themes of friendship , loyalty and extraterrestrials .
With its future unsure thanks to Discovery 's final flight on Wednesday as well as growing interest in commercial space flight , NASA is trying to make space for the average citizen a bit more personal .
In the message , however , SpaceX described the latest plan as " an important step toward enabling access for everyday people who dream of traveling to space . "
Musk went on to consider bending space to allow for faster-than-light travel , Mars settlements , and a rapid transit system called a Hyperloop that is three or four times faster than a bullet train , would never crash , and is immune to weather .
Below are a few options for the discerning space traveler : XCOR Aerospace - At $ 95000 per person , the Lynx rocket plane - which can hold a pilot plus one passenger - will take tourists to suborbital space and will make four trips per day . Test flights began in 2014 .
It will come true to travel in space very soon .
He returned to the Earth after his journey into space .
A human centrifuge that replicates what space travel feels like .
That came from a 1960 paper on space travel .
Under water travel and space travel have many things in common .
The professor 's words sparked Patrick 's interest in space travel .
But is it possible that the travelers hit by the meteors ?
Space travel is one of the greatest achievements of modem man .
It would be wonderful to travel in the space .
Space travel used to be just a dream .
Albert Einstein had a great influence on the theories of space travel .