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  • 网络large tendon
  1. 大筋挛急,痛位强直,甚至呼吸稍重都会引发疼痛。

    Big muscle bi twin acute , the pain a stiffness , even slightly heavier breathing can trigger pain .

  2. 我的灵阿、不要与他们同谋、我的心哪、不要与他们联络、因为他们趁怒杀害人命、任意砍断牛腿大筋。

    Let me not enter their council , let me not join their assembly , for they have killed men in their anger and hamstrung oxen as they pleased .

  3. 冷水,浅色布料,1茶匙洗洁精,氨水,2汤匙白醋,双氧水,隔热碗或桶,大橡皮筋,硼砂,沸水

    cold water , light-colored cloths , 1 tsp dishwashing liquid , ammonia , 2 Tbsp white vinegarhydrogen peroxide , heat-proof bowl or bucket , big rubber band , borax , boiling water

  4. 浅色布料,苏打水,发酵粉,1杯白醋,1汤匙洗洁精,半杯冷水,隔热碗或桶,大橡皮筋,硼砂,沸水

    light-colored cloths , club soda , baking soda , 1 Cup white vinegar , 1 Tbsp dishwashing liquid , 1 / 2 Cup cool water , heat-proof bowl or bucket , large rubber band , borax , boiling water

  5. 大偏心体外筋预应力梁的弯矩-曲率分析法

    Analysis Method of Moment-curvature for Externally Prestressed Beams with Large Eccentricity

  6. 大面积无筋混凝土整体地面的裂缝控制

    Cracking Control in Mass Monolithic Plain Concrete Pavement

  7. 大跨密筋钢骨梁灌浆料与混凝土浇筑结合施工技术

    Construction Technology of Combining Pouring of Grouting Material and Concrete of Large Span Dense Reinforcement Steel Frame Beams

  8. 采用该设备后,芯材插入深度大,加筋效率高,施工质量好,而且深层搅拌桩的施工和加筋可以利用一套设备完成。

    With this patent , the construction of reinforcing steel bar in deep-mixing piles can be accomplished for sufficient depth , high efficiency and perfect quality .

  9. 由于钢筋混凝土结构体积大、配筋复杂、有限元模型单元数目巨大,使得结构的计算时间很长甚至不能完成,在对结构进行非线性分析时这种矛盾尤其突出。

    Because of the cubage reinforced concrete is very big and the reinforced steel is complex , the amount of FEM element is very huge . The calculated time of this structure will be very long and can not be completed sometimes , especially doing nonlinear analysis to structures .

  10. 结果他的手太大,而橡皮筋又太小。

    They were too small for his fingers , however .

  11. 大穗型弱筋小麦新品种绵阳30号的选育研究

    Breeding of large-spike and weak gluten wheat variety Mianyang 30

  12. 大吨位梁预应力筋张拉仿真分析

    Simulation Analysis for Tension of Tendons of Large-Tonnage Beam

  13. 纵筋锚固可靠时,剪跨区内大范围的纵筋锈蚀可能会对梁的破坏形态产生影响;

    If the longitudinal bars are anchored reliably , the extensive corrosion of longitudinal bars in the shear span may change the failure mode of beams .

  14. 近年来,大量的大型或超大型斜拉桥在我国各地兴起,由于结构功能的需要,小曲率半径、大吨位曲线预应力筋在预应力混凝土结构中的应用日渐增多。

    In recent years , a large number of super-long span cable-stayed bridges appeared in China . Due to the request of structure function , more and more tendons with great curvature and massive tonnage are used in concrete construction .

  15. 试验表明:加载至极限荷载的80%-85%之前,拉结筋受力随荷载的增加而有规律变形;墙体进入弹塑性状态程度愈大,拉结筋参与工作程度愈大。

    Experiments show that , before the limit load of 80 % - 85 % , the stress of bar connectors regular increase follow the load ; the greater the wall enter the degree of elastic-plastic state , the greater degree of the bar connectors participation work . 5 .