
  • 网络big crunch
  1. 大挤压比铝型材挤压过程的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of extrusion process of aluminum profile with large extrusion ratio

  2. 大挤压比薄壁件复合挤压成形工艺过程的数值模拟

    Finite Element Simulation of Large Distortion and thin Part in Combined Extrusion Process

  3. 大挤压比+轧制确保合金获得平均晶粒尺寸小于5μm的细晶镁合金薄板。

    High extrusion ratio and rolling ensured thinner strip of magnesium alloy with average size of grains less then 5 μ m.

  4. 大挤压工业型材面临的最大挑战是市场与技术,是自主创新力量薄弱。

    The greatest challenges to be confronted in producing the large-size aluminum extrusions are market and technology , or the innovative force on our own is weak .

  5. 本文分析了银石墨触头材料在大挤压比的纤维化挤压中,出现的挤压力过大引起闷车和挤压碎裂的问题。

    This paper deals with the problems such as extrusion failure and cxtrusion breaksocurring during the extrusion of silver-graphite materials at high cxtrusion ratio ( so called fibretype extrusion ) .

  6. 采用扁挤压筒挤压大型宽幅薄壁型材是一种非常有效的方法,它可以实现用高比压挤压大挤压系数,大宽厚比的薄壁宽幅型材。

    Using the flat extrusion cylinder to extrude thin wall sheet of big width is an effective method , because it can realize the extrusion of the section steet of thin wall , big width and the bigger thickness ratio with the high specific pressure extrusion and big extrusion coefficient .

  7. 原因或许在于卡鲁所谓的“大挤压”,即由于缺乏要求中等技术水平的岗位,迫使许多工人接受薪酬更少、技术要求更低的工作,结果把教育水平和经验更少的年轻人挤出了就业市场。

    What 's played out is what Carew calls " The Great Squeeze , " where the dearth of middle-skilled jobs have forced many workers to settle for whatever they can get , taking lower-skilled jobs for less pay and therefore squeezing those with less education and experience out of the workforce .

  8. 6061铝合金大规格挤压棒材生产工艺的研究

    Research of process for 6061 aluminum alloy large size extruding bar

  9. 汶川大地震挤压伤特点与手术方式选择

    Features of crush injury in Wenchuan earthquake and the corresponding operational methods

  10. 白藜芦醇甙对大鼠挤压伤后多器官衰竭的实验性防治

    Experimental treatment of multiple organ failure after crush injury with polydatin in rats

  11. 大悬臂挤压模变形机理分析

    Analysis on Deformation Mechanism of Large Bracket Extrusion Dies

  12. 5·12汶川大地震挤压伤一线手术术前准备

    Preoperative preparations of the crush injury patients by 5 · 12 Wenchuan earthquake in the first line operation

  13. 随着交通运输、航空航天等产业的发展,市场对大型挤压制品需求量越来越大,挤压机的发展也日趋大型化。

    With the development of transportation , aerospace and other industries , the market demand for large extrusion products increased rapidly and extruders tended to be larger and larger .

  14. 通过对比分析,表明本文建立的铝型材挤压有限体积法数值模拟数学模型正确、高效,特别适用于大变形挤压过程的数值模拟分析。

    These results comparisons indicate that the mathematical model of FVM simulation of aluminum extrusion process is correct and efficient , and it has a good applicability for extrusion process with large deformation .

  15. 但在中国目前的情况下,在国家话语系统分化出的空间中,大众话语系统占据了极为重要的地位,精英主义的话语空间受到比较大的挤压。

    But in the Chinese present situation , in the space split out from the national discourse system , the populace discourse system had the greatest important status , the discourse space of elite has received a bigger extrusion .

  16. 亚洲铝业是全球三大铝挤压型材生产商之一。随着中国内地企业在经济低迷期竞相重组融资结构,亚洲铝业的未来在债务市场受到密切关注,被视为投资者权益状况的重要指针。

    The future of Asia Aluminum , a top three global producer of aluminium extrusion products , has been watched closely in debt markets as an important guide to investor rights , as mainland Chinese companies scramble to restructure their finances in the downturn .

  17. 大鼠脊髓挤压伤后NT-3、NT-4在腹角运动神经元表达的变化

    Changes in the expression of NT-3 and NT-4 in ventral horn motoneurons of spinal cord in adults rats following crushed injury

  18. 大直径钢筋挤压接头性能的试验研究

    Test of Performance of Reinforcement Extrusion Joints

  19. 摩擦系数越大,最大挤压载荷明显增加,试样下表面区域的等效应变增加。

    With increasing the friction coefficient , the maximum extrusion load is enhanced , while the effective strain at the bottom of the sample also is increased .

  20. 大鼠坐骨神经挤压伤后,局部应用神经节苷脂GM_1在神经再生中的作用进行研究。

    The effect of topically used ganglioside ( GM_1 ) onthe regeneration of crushed sciatic nerve was studied in30 rats .

  21. 目的观察大鼠视神经挤压伤后基质金属蛋白酶(matrixmetalloproteinase,MMP)-2和-9的表达,探讨MMP-2(明胶酶A)和MMP-9(明胶酶B)是否参与视神经损伤后的修复病理过程。

    Objective To investigate the expression of matrix metalloproteinase ( MMP ) - 2 and MMP-9 in rats ′ optical nerves after extrusion wound .

  22. 目的:观察肌注神经生长因子(NGF)对大鼠坐骨神经挤压伤后的促再生作用。

    Objective : To study the effects of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) on regeneration of crushed sciatic nerve in rats .

  23. 目的:观察NGF肌注对大鼠坐骨神经挤压伤后神经再生恢复以及功能的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effect of the muscular injection of NGF on the regeneration and functional recovery of rat sciatic nerve after crush injury .

  24. 这种整合对美国本地银行的影响,看起来似乎比较明朗:他们受到“大块头”的挤压,就像沃尔玛或者Toys“R”Us进入城区,零售商面临的遭遇一样。

    The effect of this consolidation on America 's local banks may seem clear : they are squeezed by the big boys , just as retailers are when Wal-Mart or Toys " R " Us comes to town .

  25. 高精度和大直径内螺纹挤压攻丝的机理与实践

    A High Precision and Large Diameter Internal Threading by Extrusion

  26. 大口径三通挤压模数值模拟与实验研究

    Numerical simulation and experimental study on extrusion die for large diameter tee

  27. 铜母线大扩展比连续挤压成形过程的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on copper bus-bar under large extending ratio for continuous extrusion process

  28. 如果你发现有的萝卜太大,轻轻地挤压一下。

    If you find one that seems too large , squeeze it gently .

  29. 大容量机组热挤压斜三通设计

    Design of oblique three joint squeezed with heat for generating unit of large capacity

  30. 大鼠视神经挤压伤后基质金属蛋白酶-2和-9的表达及意义

    Expression of matrix metalloproteinase related gelatinases in rats ′ optical nerves after extrusion wound