
dà rónɡ liànɡ cún chǔ qì
  • a large capacity memory;bulk memory
  1. 一台拥有大容量存储器的计算机,就会有更大的能力,去存放更加复杂软件中的数千条指令。

    a computer with a large memory is more capable of holding the thousands of instructions that are contained in the more sophisticated software programs .

  2. 图像采集传输系统的硬件系统设计,主要包括了芯片的选型、图像采集、大容量存储器扩展、USB接口设计。

    The hardware design of the image sampling and transmission system .

  3. 然后针对USB所支持的大容量存储器类别,介绍了其使用的传输协议和命令块集。

    After that , the tranfer protocols and command block sets are discussed in detail according to USB Mass Storage class .

  4. 大容量存储器的检测:开发者可以检测到何时大容量存储器(如USB设备)连接到了计算机上。

    Mass Storage Detection : This allows developers to detect when storage devices , like USB drives , are connected to the computer .

  5. 基于CPCI的高速大容量存储器研制

    Research on High Speed and Large Capacity Storage Based on CPCI

  6. 我一直觉得,找到一个兆字节的空闲大容量存储器并在上面安装ssh客户机会更加方便。

    I 've consistently found it easier to locate a megabyte of free mass storage and install an ssh client there .

  7. 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)具有高集成度、高速度、能实现大容量存储器功能的特性,能有效的实现DDS技术。

    Field Programmable Gate Array ( FPGA ) has the features of large scale integration , high working frequency and large memory , so . FPGA can effectively realize DDS .

  8. 使用高速大容量存储器(RAM)实时保存采样数据,保证了仪器的高性能。

    Use the high-speed large capacity memory ( RAM ) to keep the data of sampling in real time , this has achieved the high performance of the instrument .

  9. 本课题以嵌入式系统开发平台科研项目为背景,重点研究了基于FPGA的多端口存储控制器的设计与实现技术,为需要大容量存储器的系统设计提供了新思路。

    As a part of the Embedded System Development Platform project , this task focuses on the design and implementation of FPGA-based multi-port memory controller , providing a new approach for circuit designs which need mass storage .

  10. 该系统采用TI公司TMS320LF2407A型DSP作为核心处理器件,以CPLD作为DSP与其外围器件的接口,以256M存储器作为大容量存储器;

    A DSP ( TMS320LF2407A ) is used as the central processor , a CPLD is used as communication interface for periphery parts , a 256M ROM is used as large memorizer .

  11. 图像压缩传输系统的硬件系统设计,主要包括了芯片的选型、电源系统设计、图像采集、大容量存储器扩展、以太网接口设计以及高速PCB板设计时需要注意的问题。

    The hardware design of the image compression and transmission system . Including the selection of chips , the design of power supply system , image acquisition , design of expanded Memory , Ethernet interface design and the PCB design .

  12. 该板卡采用大容量存储器,自动扫描电路,16bit高精度D/A转换实现了在不占用CPU资源的情况下输出任意波形。

    The board adopts big capacity memorizer , automatic scanning circuit and the 16 bit digital-to-analog converter , and can export arbitrary waveform without occupying system resources .

  13. 查询优化集中于CPU密集型(CPUbound)执行路径,而全缓存数据库将仍然集中于优化取页到大容量存储器的操作,而这已不再是问题。

    Query optimization focuses on CPUbound execution paths , while a fully cached database will still be preoccupied with optimizing page fetches to mass storage that are no longer an issue .

  14. 整个系统由微处理器、日历时钟芯片、程控增益放大器、中文液晶显示、大容量存储器、Usb及无线收发等器件组成,在分辨率为12位的情况下,采集速度最高可达200KHz。

    The system is composed of microcomputer , calendar chip , programmable gain amplifier , LCD , large memory , USB and wireless chip etc. Data acquisition rate can reach 200 KHz with the resolution of 12 bit .

  15. 数目,数量(尤指巨大的)外部大容量存储器外部海量存储器

    Number or amount , esp a large one external mass storage

  16. 介绍了用于某型号飞机的大容量存储器的设计方案。

    This paper introduces a design scheme of mass storage equipment used on aeroplane .

  17. 大容量存储器集成电路的测试

    The Testing Technology of MSF Memory Integrated Circuit

  18. 系统配置有大容量存储器,具备资源扩展能力,适用于语音信号压缩/解压缩和语音识别、语音合成等其他领域。

    The system is applicable for speech coding , recognition , synthesizing and so on .

  19. 大容量存储器在角度显示器电路中的应用

    Application of MSF in Angle Display Circuit

  20. 此外,考虑到后续功能的增加,外扩了大容量存储器,并预留多种电路接口。

    In addition , the system is expanded with large-capacity memory to enlarge functions in the future .

  21. 外部大容量存储器外部海量存储器

    Capacitor-diode memory external mass storage

  22. 按序大容量存储器文件

    Sequential mass storage file

  23. 大容量存储器转储程序

    Mass storage dump program

  24. 基于单片机和大容量存储器组合的特定消谐式电动车用变压变频系统

    A Selective Harmonic Elimination VVVF System for Electric Vehicles Based on the Combination of a Microprocessor and a Bulky Memory

  25. 数模/模数转换器和大容量存储器件γ射线辐射试验研究

    Radiation effect test on ADC / DAC and high density memory devices with ~ ( 60 ) Co γ - rays

  26. 大容量存储器也使你能一次使用大量的数据和信息。

    A large memory also allows you to work with and manipulate great amounts of data and information at one time .

  27. 当这种电感耦合无线互联的方式应用于大容量存储器时,可以进一步增加存储器的容量,减少芯片面积。

    It can further increase the capacity of memory and reduce the area of chips when inductive coupling wireless connection is applied to mass storage .

  28. 本课题的预研成果为实际研制应用于星上的基于闪存的大容量存储器奠定了坚实的基础,具有较好的指导和借鉴意义。

    The fruit of the thesis establishes a firm foundation for the actual development of flash memory based SSR used on the satellite and is very useful for reference .

  29. 无线传感器网络需要和一个外部网络连接在一起,使得传感器节点上的数据可以传输到外部网络上的具有大容量存储器的服务器上,同时使外部网络可以监视和控制无线传感器网络。

    Then sensor nodes can transmit the sensing data to the server with large capacity memory on the external network , while the external network users can monitor and control wireless sensor networks .

  30. 对单片机应用系统中大容量存储器的扩展技术进行了深入的研究,着重论述了存储地址的无冲突设计和基本/扩展存储器间数据线的隔离问题。

    This article researches expansive technology about large capacity memory in monolithic computer system , The paper attaches importance to no conflict on address design and separation of data bus between basic and expansive memory .