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  • videodisc
  1. 碟片超重床结构对烟道气中CO2脱除率的影响

    Study on the Influence of the Structure of Super-Gravity Bed with Disks on Scrubbing CO_2 in Flue Gas

  2. 碟片租赁管理系统的UML建模分析与设计

    Modeling Analysis and Design of CD-Renting Management

  3. 那就是我几乎没花几个钱就买一套DVD碟片的过程。

    That 's how I got the DVDs for next to nothing .

  4. 约会时你会看哪个DVD碟片?

    Which DVD will you watch on that date ?

  5. DVD电影碟片制作技术与市场

    Production Technology and Market of Motion Picture DVD Disks

  6. 花2美元就买了一套DVD碟片?

    A pack of DVDs for $ 2 ?

  7. 虽然LuisLevy在洛杉矶的一家BestBuy购买蓝光碟片,但是却用自己的手机查询了附近一家竞争商家的价格。

    While shopping for Blu-ray discs at a Los Angeles Best Buy , Luis Levy used his cell phone to check the price at nearby competitors .

  8. 缺乏版权保护意味着几乎所有收入必须来自票房,而不是DVD碟片或电视。

    The lack of copyright protection means that almost all revenue must come from the box office rather than from DVDs or television .

  9. 再比如,我只花大约一美元就能在街头和店铺买到DVD光碟,这些碟片在别国要卖上二三十美元。

    No one in China seems to care . I can buy DVDs in stores and on the street for about one US dollar .

  10. 白银被广泛用于电子器件,包括电视按钮、计算机键盘薄膜开关以及CD和DVD碟片涂层。

    Silver is widely used in electronics , whether in buttons for TVs , in membrane switches in computer keyboards or as a coating for CDs and DVDs .

  11. 分析了闭式循环柴油机(CCD)旋转床CO2吸收器内气液流动特点,建立了流经碟片填料旋转床吸收器气体压降计算模型。

    The models of gas pressure drop in the rotating packed-bed CO_2 absorber of closed cycle diesel ( CCD ) system were established based on analyzing gas-liquid flow characteristics in the absorber .

  12. 当时最小最轻量的录放机,你能够通过棒型线控编辑MD碟片。

    The world 's smallest and lightest recording and playback MD Walkman . You can edit your mini disc by using the stick remote control .

  13. 它的方法是通过借鉴于碟片储存行业的“喷溅”处理来沉积cigs层面。

    Its approach is to deposit the CIGS layer using a sputtering process borrowed from the disk-storage industry .

  14. 多种语言支持功能,DVD碟片支持多达32种语言字幕,8种语言配音、多角度功能,可选择不同观看角度,父母锁功能。

    Multilingual support functions , wherein DVD discs support up to32 language captions , and8 language dubbings and multi-angle functions , different viewing angles , and parental lock functions .

  15. 要想禁用或编辑这些按钮,需要对DVD碟片结构有深度了解,而且要花费远远多于其他步骤的时间。

    These procedures require a good knowledge of DVD disk structure and even then take a lot of time ( usually more personal time then all other steps together ) .

  16. 也就是说,这三家公司必须静候56天(以前是28天),方可开始对外出租华纳兄弟制作的影片的DVD碟片。

    In other words , each of the three services will have to wait 56 days intend of 28 days before they can offer up Warner Brothers DVDs for rental .

  17. Powerdisking“疯狂看碟”指一口气看完好几集电视连续剧,而资源来自一盒DVD碟片。

    Watching several episodes of a TV show in a row , usually from a DVD box set .

  18. 在传感器碟片之间设有一个高精度温度传感器,这是A&D公司SV系列正弦波振动粘度计所独有的设计,它将为我们提供更精确,更及时的温度测量。

    There is a temperature sensor between the sensor plates which is unique to A & D 's Sine-wave Vibro Viscometers and it provides highly accurate temperature measurements .

  19. 另外一个好处就是有的DVD节目储存时间可以达到四小时之久。在把碟片放入播放机之后,菜单将会让你选择从电影中任意你喜欢的片段开始观看。

    Another advantage is that some DVDs can store as much as four hours of programmes After inserting the disc into the player , a menu will appear that allows you to enjoy various chapters from the movie .

  20. CDX-2100型汽车音响系统碟片无法吸入故障检测

    Failure Detecting on CDX-2100 Automotive Sound System

  21. 增加PSX多碟片支持。

    Added PSX multi-disc support .

  22. 本土碟片生产商、电影公司和电器商场的支持一直各有所向,而与此同时,技术更为先进的蓝光和HD-DVD格式已在全球范围推出。

    Support from local disc producers , film companies and electronics stores has been patchy and in the meantime the more technologically advanced Blu-ray and HD-DVD formats have launched internationally .

  23. 这种碟片可能是由一个只读层(BD-ROM)和一个复写层(BD-RE)组成,这两部分容量都可达25GB。

    This is made possible by a single BD-ROM layer and a single BD-RE layer , which provide25GB of capacity each .

  24. 以碟片无法吸入故障为例,讲解CDX-2100型汽车音响系统的基本结构、原理与检测方法,重点突出检测点的选择和检修方法的操作步骤。

    The author introduces the basic structure , principle and detecting method of the CDX-2100 automotive sound system , emphasizes on selection of detecting points and the operational procedure of detecting method .

  25. 第二种规则被称为内混合蓝光碟片(IH-BD)。这种光碟将允许用户把一部分数据不可复写的刻录在光盘上,而其他数据则可以被复写。

    The second specification is the Intra-Hybrid Blu-ray Disc ( IH-BD ), which will allow users to record some data onto a disc that then can 't be overwritten while other data can be .

  26. 黄河水泥沙碟式分离机碟片间隙的确定

    Determination of clearance between two dishes of water-mud separating Disc separator

  27. 它拷贝出来的碟片都会出问题。

    It 'll make a corrupted copy of the decoder disk .

  28. 足以让你把碟片送进去。

    Just long enough for you to get your disc in .

  29. 双金属碟片突跳温度-应力分布的建模

    Modeling of snap - temperature and stress distribution in bimetal disk

  30. 碟片式分离机整机全速动平衡技术的研究

    The Study of Balance Technique on Saucer-Separating Centrifuge at Full Speed