
  • The Mission;Mission Impossible
  1. 总部在美国的银线电影制造公司购买了版权,并聘请《碟中谍III》的制作人斯特拉·顿利奥波德将这个故事搬上大屏幕。

    US-based Silverline Productions bought the rights and have hired Mission Impossible III producer Stratton Leopold to bring it to the big screen .

  2. 在最新一期的《CarpoolKaraoke》中,比伯和詹姆斯·柯登一起,柯登问起挑战的事,他还抱歉地对比伯说他会支持那位《壮志凌云》和《碟中谍》的主演(也就是汤姆·克鲁斯)。

    In the latest episode of Carpool Karaoke , the Bieb appeared alongside James Corden , who asked about the challenge ; he also apologetically told the singer that he would take the side of the Top Gun and Mission Impossible star .

  3. 《碟中谍》(Mission:Impossible)第五部,片中汤姆·克鲁斯仍然饰演伊森·亨特(EthanHunt);

    the fifth " Mission : Impossible " movie , in which Tom Cruise was still Ethan Hunt ;

  4. 作为阿里巴巴的娱乐子公司,阿里影业(AliPictures)今年投资了维亚康姆的《碟中谍5:神秘国度》(Mission:Impossible—RogueNation),并成为该影片在中国发行的官方合作伙伴。

    Alibaba Pictures , the Chinese group 's entertainment arm , invested in Paramount 's Mission : Impossible - Rogue Nation this year and was the official partner for the film 's launch in China .

  5. 阿汤哥最近一次扮演IMF探员伊森亨特是在2011年上映的《碟中谍:幽灵协议》,该部电影在全球席卷了7千万美元的票房,同时也成为阿汤哥票房最高的电影。

    Cruises last outing in the role of IMF agent Ethan Hunt , 2011s Mission : Impossible Ghost Protocol , took in nearly $ 700 million at the box office worldwide , making it Cruises highest-grossing film ever .

  6. 他们将扮演国际间谍,影片是一部逻辑性强、紧张刺激的动作惊悚片,主题是女子军改变男性主导的世界,风格比较接近《谍影重重》(TheBourneIdentity)、《碟中谍5:神秘国度》(Mission:Impossible)和《007》。

    They 'll play international agents in a grounded , edgy action thriller that aims to alter a male-dominated genre with a true female ensemble , in the style of spy franchises The Bourne Identity , Mission : Impossible and James Bond .

  7. 在2011年上映的电影《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》中,一个名叫萨比娜·莫罗的杀手背着一个普拉达的SaffianoLux手提包。

    In the 2011 movie Mission Impossible : Ghost Protocol , an assassin named Sabine Moreau - played by actress L é a Seydoux , who also starred in a commercial for Prada 's " Candy " fragrance that year - carries a Prada Saffiano Lux tote .

  8. 第一部《碟中谍》于1996年上映,至今已有5部系列电影。

    There have been five episodes since its first release on big screen in 1996 .

  9. 汤姆·克鲁斯有时会梳理一种偏长、稍显松散的发型(参见《碟中谍2》)。

    Tom Cruise sometimes wears his slightly long and loose ( see Mission Impossible 2 ) .

  10. 当我完成《碟中谍3》的时候,我们有很令人吃惊的视觉特效。

    When I did " Mission : Impossible III , " we had amazing visual effects .

  11. 《碟中谍5:神秘国度》一开场的特写就是阿汤哥悬挂在正在起飞的飞机上。

    The opening of Rogue Nation features Cruise dangling outside of an airplane as it takes off .

  12. 9月8日《碟中谍5:神秘国度》在中国上映,阿汤哥也迎来了有史以来最难完成的任务。

    With its Chinese cinema debut on Sept 8 , the movie unveils its most impossible mission yet .

  13. 当然,我们不可能漏掉汤姆·克鲁斯和他的《碟中谍》,也不会错过任何以“超人”为题的电影。

    Still , it 's impossible to miss Tom Cruise and his MI , or anything with Superman in its title .

  14. 阿里巴巴影业集团于上周三透露,派拉蒙影业的《碟中谍5:神秘国度》将会成为其首个好莱坞投资项目。

    China 's Alibaba Pictures said on Wednesday that Paramount 's Mission : Impossible Rogue Nation will be its first Hollywood investment .

  15. 在另外两部艾伯拉姆斯执导的电影《碟中谍》和新版《星际迷航》中,他利用了人们耳熟能详的一些神话。

    In the other movies Abrams directed , the third Mission : Impossible and the retooled Star Trek , he ornamented familiar mythologies .

  16. 请允许我来为下部《碟中谍》设计剧情,主角是休斯敦火箭队的姚明。

    PLEASE allow me to set up the conflict for the next Mission : Impossible film , starring Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets .

  17. 放轻松,“不可能完成的任务(碟中谍)”。那里只有一张床和一个沙发,不是激光迷宫。

    Okay , take it easy , " Mission impossible . " It 's a bed and a couch , not a laser maze .

  18. 在前面的几部《碟中谍》中,克鲁斯表演过挂在飞机外面和攀登摩天大楼这样的大胆特技。

    In past " Mission : Impossible " installments , Cruise performed daring stunts such as hanging off the side of a jet plane and scaling skyscrapers .

  19. 在最新的“碟中谍”系列电影中,他饰演一名反派,设下陷阱企图谋害电影主角伊森·亨特。

    In the latest Mission : Impossible movie , he plays a villain who sets a trap and wants to kill Ethan Hunt , the hero of the film .

  20. 碟中谍系列电影的第五集《碟中谍5:神秘国度》7月底在美国上映以来一直占据着票房榜首的位置。

    The series ' fifth chapter , Mission : Impossible - Rogue Nation , has been topping box offices worldwide ever since its premiere in the US at the end of July .

  21. 美国全国公共广播电台评论说,《碟中谍5》延续了该系列“优雅、智慧和真枪实弹的特效”,这也让这部电影成为目前最靠谱的大片。

    According to NPR , this latest installment continues the " elegance , wit and harrowing flesh-and-blood stunt work " that have made Mission : Impossible " the most reliable blockbuster series going . "

  22. 这位《壮志凌云》、《碟中谍》的明星周三提交了一份5000万美元的诽谤诉讼起诉两次指称该演员已经抛弃他女儿苏瑞的《生活与风格周刊》的杂志出版商。

    The Top Gun and Mission : Impossible star filed a $ 50-million defamation lawsuit Wednesday against the publishers of Life Style Weekly and In Touch magazines for twice alleging the actor had abandoned his daughter , Suri .

  23. 这位《壮志凌云》、《碟中谍》的明星周三提交了一份5000万美元的诽谤诉讼起诉两次指称该演员已经“抛弃”他女儿苏瑞的《生活与风格周刊》的杂志出版商。

    The " Top Gun " and " Mission : Impossible " star filed a $ 50-million defamation lawsuit Wednesday against the publishers of Life & Style Weekly and In Touch magazines for twice alleging the actor had " abandoned " his daughter , Suri .

  24. 他说:“我当时正从《碟中谍》暂时抽了个身,投入到《屠宰场规则》的拍摄。我的助手给我打电话说汤姆好像把自己弄伤了。于是我一周长的假期变成了三个月。”

    He said : ' I 'd taken a break from production . I went off to do Slaughterhouse Rulez , my assistant phoned me and said , " I think Tom has hurt himself . " So my week-long hiatus turned into three months .

  25. 不过,先前有报道称飞到外太空的这个项目与《碟中谍》系列无关。该系列目前正在拍摄第7部,疫情期间克鲁斯自掏腰包让剧组人员住在游艇上。

    However , it was previously reported that the project he 's blasting off the planet for is not related to the " Mission : Impossible " franchise , which is currently filming its seventh installment after Cruise personally paid for cast and crew to live on cruise ships amid the coronavirus pandemic .