
  • 网络Weekender
  1. Mondaze指周末狂欢之后,面临周一要上班这件事感受到的恍惚和茫然,我们称之为“恍惚的周一”。

    Mondaze is the hazy2 or dazed feeling you get on Monday , usually when having to go back to work after a pleasant or crazy weekend .

  2. commence:开始为逝去的周末狂欢!

    Yeah ! Whoo-hoo ! Let the lost weekend commence ! -

  3. 困惑终于转变成举办周末狂欢派对的条件。

    Early gives way to excellent weekend party conditions .

  4. 你喜欢周末狂欢吗?

    Do you enjoy going crazy on the weekend ?

  5. invent:发明lost:堕落的,沉迷的周末狂欢可是你首创的啊。

    You invented the lost weekend . -

  6. 周末狂欢可是你首创的啊。

    You invented the lost weekend .

  7. 因为大学毕业,陈小姐打算和她的朋友于下个周末大肆狂欢。

    Because of graduation from college , Miss Chen is going to paint the town red with her friends next week .

  8. 整个周末她都在狂欢作乐。

    She went on a binge which lasted the whole weekend .