
  1. 随着国产动画片蓬勃发展之势以及在学生作品中屡屡出现的中国风类型的短片,我们发现,在美式运动规律和日式运动规律之外,其实还有一种中国式的运动规律。

    With the booming trend of domestic animation and student works in the Chinese style frequently seen type of short , we found that in the movement of American and Japanese law of motion , is in fact there is a Chinese law of motion .

  2. 美式橄榄球运动中使用的长方形的充气球。

    The inflated oblong ball used in playing American football .

  3. 在美式橄榄球运动中,你得设法把你的对手弄倒。

    In American football , you have to try to bring down your opponent .

  4. 他亦曾经参与美式足球运动,他曾经列为州际队伍一名成员,位置是外接员,不过因受伤使他专注于篮球运动之上。

    He also has been involved in American football , he had as a member of the interstate teams , the location is an external member , but injuries made him focus on basketball on top .

  5. 运动员已经置身于短期和长期的危险中,短期的包括各种意外带来的伤害,而长期风险是各种健康问题,比如在拳击和美式橄榄球运动中运动员的头部反复受伤,这会增加老年痴呆的风险。

    Sports people already put themselves in danger both of short-term harm through accidents and of longer-term health problems , such as the increased risk of dementia through repeated head injuries in boxing and American football .

  6. 美国的橄榄球(美式足球)运动起源于英国的橄榄球赛,同一般的足球运动、即英式足球截然不同。

    American football is derived from the English game of rugby , and is entirely different from ordinary football , that is , soccer or association football .