
  • 网络American Notes;LAST
  1. 我母亲唯一的希望来自狄更斯的《美国札记》,她曾读过他写的劳拉·布里吉曼的故事,而且她隐约记得那个女孩子也是又聋又瞎,然而却接受了正规教育。

    My mother 's only ray of hope came from Dickens 's " American Notes . " She had read his account of Laura Bridgman , and remembered vaguely that she was deaf and blind , yet had been educated .

  2. 可是只有少数人才知道他在《书札》中和在《十八世纪美国札记》中,曾对美国革命的激变表示惋惜。

    Far less familiar are the passages from the Letters and from Crevecoeur 's Sketches of Eighteenth-Century America in which he bewails the upheavals of the American Revolution .