
  • 网络amazon;Amazon. com
  1. “Which?”已从亚马逊网站上购买了八种未达标产品的所有存货,这些产品现已停售。

    The eight products which didn 't meet the standards were all purchased by Which ? on Amazon , which has now removed them from sale .

  2. 1杰夫贝佐斯,亚马逊网站创始人兼CEO

    Jeff Bezos Founder and CEO of Amazon

  3. 你可以把它视为亚马逊网站(Amazon)推荐阅读算法的另一种版本,但更好闻。

    Think of it as Amazon 's recommended reading algorithm , but for smelling good .

  4. 在将德文亚马逊网站译成英文时,自动翻译软件将USB线缆(USBcable)译成了“USB绳子”(USBrope)。

    An automatic translation from German-language Amazon to English had changed a USB cable into a " USB rope . "

  5. 不过有一点是明显的:加拿大皇家资本市场公司指出,Prime会员花在亚马逊网站上的时间要明显多于非Prime会员。

    But what is clear is that Prime members spend significantly more than more casual Amazon shoppers , according to RBC Capital Markets .

  6. 正如评论者Li指出,如果你把亚马逊网站的设置中将“最高收费限额”设为0,那么所有你已经发过邮件的电子书都被发送到免费地址。

    As commenter Li notes , if you set your " Max Charge Limit " to0 , all your emailed books will be sent to the free address .

  7. 亚马逊网站(Amazon)上19世纪50年代的书要比20世纪50年代的书多三倍。

    On Amazon ( AMZN ) , there are three times more books available from the 1850s than from the 1950s . How is this possible ?

  8. 它们排山倒海,毫无条理,涵盖了从Twitter留言、Facebook更新,到亚马逊网站(Amazon)上的评论等在内,五花八门的信息。

    But the terabytes upon terabytes of unstructured data in the world ( including tweets , Facebook updates and Amazon ( AMZN ) reviews ) is unprecedented .

  9. 她指出,如果许多人都对某种商品感兴趣,不论他们最初是在哪看到这种商品的,他们在亚马逊网站上搜索该商品的可能性与在谷歌(Google)网站上搜索该商品的可能性一样大。

    She noted that when many people were interested in a product they were just as likely to search for it on Amazon as on Google regardless of where they first saw it .

  10. 亚马逊网站服务(AmazonWebServices,简称AWS)高级副总裁安迪•雅西(AndyJassy)称,做出这个决定是因为欧洲企业的“文化偏好”。

    Andy Jassy , senior vice-president of Amazon Web Services , said the decision was because of the " cultural preferences " of companies in the region .

  11. 亚马逊网站显示,在亚马逊销售的DonaldTrump品牌正装衬衫是在中国和孟加拉国等国生产的。

    Donald Trump dress shirts , sold on Amazon , are manufactured in countries including China and Bangladesh , the website shows .

  12. 亚马逊网站创始人及CEO杰夫·贝索斯被《卫报》选为当前影响人们阅读的图书权力榜单第一名。

    Jeff Bezos , founder and CEO of Amazon , has been named the most powerful person in the book industry in a Guardian list published today showcasing the most influential people of the moment .

  13. 贝索斯建议员工看一看亚马逊网站(搜索结构主管在领英(LinkedIn)发表的批评《纽约时报》文章的博文。

    Mr Bezos pointed staff to a blogpost on LinkedIn by Amazon . com 's head of infrastructure for search , criticising the New York Times article .

  14. 同时,还不清楚有多少Netflix用户已经开始在亚马逊网站上购物(或者有可能在双方不合并的情况下自然而然地成为亚马逊用户)。

    It 's also unclear how many Netflix subscribers already shop at Amazon ( or could become shoppers naturally without a merger between the two companies ) .

  15. 主要原因是,这套指南书中的两本——一本是各大商学院简介,另一本介绍财政资助申请政策——是赔钱的;那个年代没有亚马逊网站(Amazon),ETS通过传真确认书籍预订请求。

    It was largely because two of the guidebooks -- on schools and financial aid -- were money losers , and in this pre-Amazon era , ETS was responding to fax requests to ship copies of the books .

  16. 在CamelCamelCamel网站上,人们可以看到亚马逊网站上产品的历史价格,然后创建提醒,当商品的价格一降到某一阈值,就会收到一封电子邮件。

    Using the Camel Camel Camel website , people can view a product 's price history on and then create alerts to receive an email as soon as the item 's price falls to a certain threshold .

  17. 截至上周,在亚马逊网站的笔记本销售排行榜上,华硕变形金刚已跌落至第三,排名前两位的是宏碁和三星的Chromebook。

    COM , the ASUS transformer had slipped to No. 3 in the laptop category behind two chromebooks from Acer and Samsung .

  18. 在迷宫书店和亚马逊网站上都可以买到这本书。

    This is available at Labyrinth Books also on Amazon .

  19. 五分钟在昨天在亚马逊网站商城上用了五分钟就省了我跑步到城镇的一个小时时间。

    Five minutes on Amazon yesterday saved me an hour of running about town .

  20. 亚马逊网站随即删除该广告。

    Then it was removed from the website .

  21. 还有我上次从亚马逊网站定的货。

    And my last shipment from amazon .

  22. “创作空间”在亚马逊网站和其他网站上都被列为这些书的出版商之一。

    On Amazon and other sites , createspace is listed as the publisher of the books .

  23. 亚马逊网站首席执行官杰夫·贝索斯称,这一远景有望在四、五年内成为现实。

    Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says that this reality may be just four or five years away .

  24. 这位写出《哈利·波特》的作家已经位列美国亚马逊网站书籍销售量第一的位置。

    The Harry Potter author is already at No.1 on Amazon 's U.S. chart with the book .

  25. 亚马逊网站上有的所有东西,迪博都不厌其烦地搬到自己的网站上--即使是那些插入的广告。

    Dubost has taken pains to replicate every last aspect of an Amazon page - even inserting an ad.

  26. 于是,去年八月,我们辞掉了在亚马逊网站的工作,一月中旬创办了我们的网站。

    So we actually quit our jobs from Amazon last year in August and launched the site in mid-January .

  27. 虽然亚马逊网站的推荐系统绝大部分依靠自动化,但至今仍有某些部分需要人工大量参与。

    Whereas the web site recommendation process is more automated , there remains to this day a large manual component .

  28. 沃尔特·惠特曼就为自己写过匿名评论,这种做法曾让他臭名昭著,但如今在亚马逊网站上则是见怪不怪了。

    Walt Whitman notoriously wrote his own anonymous reviews , which would not be out of place today on Amazon .

  29. 麻省理工学院开放式课程计划与亚马逊网站合作,提供本课程所引用书籍的直接购买链接。

    Partnering with Amazon . com , MIT OCW offers direct links to purchase the books cited in this course .

  30. 随后就在当天亚马逊网站也罢它的价格从$28降到$18。

    Later the same day , Amazon cut its price , which had also been $ 28 , to $ 18 .