
  • 网络AsiaSat;Asia Satellite;Asia Sat
  1. 几位知情人士表示,在周一告知亚洲卫星自己的决定时,美国政府没有给出任何理由,也没有说明自己会接受哪类改变。

    According to several people close to the deal , the US government did not give any reasons for its decision , which was communicated to AsiaSat on Monday , or indicate what kind of changes it would accept .

  2. gecapital和中信各持有亚洲卫星公司34%的股份,其余股份在公众手中。

    GE Capital and CITIC each control 34 per cent of AsiaSat , with the rest of its shares in public hands .

  3. 在职业生涯的较早时期,他曾担任英国电信公司BSkyB和福克斯的亚洲卫星电视集团星空传媒(Star)的首席执行官。

    Earlier in his career , he was the chief executive of the British telecom BSkyB and the chief executive of Star , Fox 's Asian satellite television group .

  4. 亚洲卫星与亚太卫星致力服务于亚太地区的亚太卫星

    APT Satellite Committed to Services in Asia - Pacific Region

  5. 欧洲与亚洲的卫星电视播放业者,已经开始提供各种不受规的节目内容给客户,而且多以美国节目为主。

    Satellite broadcasters in Europe and Asia are already offering subscribers an unregulated mix of programming dominated by American shows .

  6. 新华社称,中国新华新闻电视网英语电视台(cncworld)本周在亚洲可以通过卫星接收,从下月开始信号将覆盖全球。

    Xinhua said CNC world could be received in Asia over satellite this week and available around the world from next month .

  7. 作为亚洲有线及卫星电视广播协会(CASBAA)监管理事会成员,高女士亦参与制定业界对区内广泛议题的立场和处理方法。

    She is also on The Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia ( CASBAA ) Council of Governors , which collectively shapes the industry 's actions on a wide range of issues in the region .

  8. 亚洲有线及卫星广播协会

    Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia

  9. 它由中国航天工业总公司河西化工机械公司研制,于1995年11月28日及12月28日分别用于亚洲二号卫星和艾柯斯达一号卫星发射。

    Of CASC . It was first used for launching Asia Sat 2 satellite on Nov 28 , 1995 .

  10. 该火箭曾于1990年4月7日成功地将美国休斯公司制造的“亚洲1号”卫星送人地球同步转移轨道,是中国运载火箭发展上的一个重要里程碑。

    The vehicle also marked the first use of a high technology upper stage . On April 7 , 1990 , LM-3 delivered the first foreign communication satellite , Asia Sat l , made by the U. S. Hughes Corporation , into a predetermined GTO .

  11. 通过定性研究那些运用数字媒体的社会运动及参与式新闻的案例,例如非洲,中东,亚洲的互联网及卫星广播,能够让我们对数字运动有更加全面的理解。

    Through the qualitative research method , examples of social activism and participatory journalism through the use of digital media such as the internet and satellite broadcast in Africa , the Middle East , and in Asia were used to provide a comprehensive view of digital developments .

  12. 根据贸易媒体RodyCasbaa的估计,数码电视将在亚洲成为热门。西蒙?屈斯顿?戴维斯,亚洲有线卫星广播协会CEO数码是这个产品的出发点,而对数码电视的需求将是巨大的。

    According to Media Trade Rody Casbaa , digital television will be the hot industry trend in Asia .

  13. 根据贸易媒体RodyCasbaa的估计,数码电视将在亚洲成为热门。西蒙•屈斯顿•戴维斯,亚洲有线卫星广播协会CEO数码是这个产品的出发点,而对数码电视的需求将是巨大的。

    According to Media Trade Rody Casbaa , digital television will be the hot industry trend in Asia . Digital is where it starts . And digital demand is going to be huge .