
  • 网络optical glasses;EYEGLASSES;optical frames;optical eyewear
  1. 在光学眼镜和太阳镜领域,材质和轮廓的设计都让人回想起昔日的复古风格。

    In both optical and sunwear , materials and silhouettes are reminiscent of yesteryear too .

  2. 在本次活动中,来自世界各地的设计师呈现了各种富有想象力的新款光学眼镜和太阳镜。

    The event featured a wide range of imaginative new optical and sunglass products from designers across the globe .

  3. 无论你戴的是时尚别致的光学眼镜还是超大尺寸的飞行员太阳镜,你都在引领眼镜的流行趋势——也许你还毫无察觉。

    Whether you sport geeky chic opticals or oversized aviators , you 're advocating eyewear trends - perhaps unknowingly .

  4. 基于丰富的产业经验,我们了解全世界的零售链都对光学眼镜和太阳眼镜收取了过高的差价。

    Through our strong industry experience , we have come to realise that the major retail chains all over the world charge excessive prices for prescription eyewear and sunglasses .

  5. 光学树脂防护眼镜片

    Optical Resin Protective lens

  6. 不要误会,人类拥有很多不可思议的光学设备,除了眼镜,还有望远镜,能够看到宇宙中很远的地方。

    Don 't get us wrong , humans have some incredible optical equipment . Beyond contacts and glasses , we 've designed telescopes capable of seeing great distances across our universe .