
  1. GaAs太阳能电池因其光电转换率高,抗空间辐射性能好,温度特性好,寿命长等优点而越来越多的被各国运用到空间供电电源中。

    GaAs photovoltaic solar cells have been increasingly used in power supply devices in outer space by a lot of countries because of their high solar opto-electronic conversion efficiency , high performance against space radiation , excellent temperature-related characteristics and long serving life .

  2. 各方研究人员在聚焦提高光伏组件光电转换率的同时,目光也转向了提高并网逆变器的转换效率上。

    All the researchers focus on the increase of the PV battery conversion efficiency , meanwhile the efficiency of the grid-connected inverter causes their attention too .

  3. 太阳自动跟踪系统是开发并有效利用太阳能资源不可或缺的重要的组成部分,目前使用的太阳能电池光电转换率非常低,实验室约为24%,产业化约为15%。

    The solar automatic tracking system is an indispensable and important component in the field of developing and using solar energy . At present , photoelectric conversion rate of solar cell is very low , about 24 % in lab , and about 15 % in industrialization .

  4. 用这种具有纳米棒阵列的CIS薄膜制备的光电化学电池转换率达到0.34%。

    The obtained CIS thin films with nanorod arrays show a conversion efficiency of 0.34 % in a two-electrode photoelectrochemical cell .