
  • 网络photosensitizer;photosensitizers;PHOTOSENSITIZER DYE
  1. 光敏染料是DSCs的重要组成部分,主要分为钌等金属配合物染料和纯有机染料。

    Photosensitizer , which including metal complex and metal-free organic dyes , is one of the important part of DSCs .

  2. 为了得到更高的光电转化效率,大量的研究关注于新的光敏染料的设计和合成。

    To achieve high solar power conversion efficiency , great research efforts are focused on designing and synthesizing new photosensitizers .

  3. 水解钛醇盐制备TiO2膜及其与光敏染料的相互作用

    Preparation of TiO_2 Film through Hydrolysis of Titanium Butoxide and Interaction between Sensitizing Dyes and the Film

  4. 具体结果如下:1.设计合成了四个基于薁的新型光敏染料,详细研究了它们的光物理和电化学性质,并首次用于敏化TiO2纳晶电极。

    The detailed results are summarized as follows : 1 . Four new azulene-based dye molecules were synthesized and their photoelectrochemical properties were studied in DSSCs .

  5. 光敏染料在Gr(a¨)tzel型太阳能电池上的应用及其研究进展

    Application and research progress of dyes employed in dye-sensitized solar cells

  6. 本文在可溶性还原染料对锦纶的染色工艺试验的基础上,着重对防光脆化问题进行了研讨。试验表明:印地素金黄IRK和妃红IR是促使锦纶纤维光化降解的光敏染料。

    On the Basis of an experiment on the dyeing technology of solubilized vat dyes on chinlon , the light-degradation of the fibre is emphatically discussed .

  7. 用表面增强拉曼散射技术研究单晶硅表面键合光敏染料,可获得信噪比强的SERS图。

    The photosensitive dye bound to the monocrystalline silicon surface was investigated by means of SERS , and SERS which had strong signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) was obtained .

  8. 利用酰胺键将两个酪氨酸基团引入到铼联吡啶和钌三联吡啶光敏染料中,实现了对自然界人工光合作用PSⅡ(PhotosystemⅡ)中的TyrZ和TyrD的模拟。

    The tyrosine Z and tyrosine D inPS ⅱ were mimicked by introducing two tyrosine groups on the bipyridyl rings of rhenium ( I ) bipyridyl and ruthenium (ⅱ) tris-bipyridyl photosensitive dyes through amide bonds .

  9. 他们通过连接一些氧化分子至光敏染料,可灌输iCHELLs细胞进行光合作用。

    Better yet , they have started imbuing the iCHELLs with the equipment for photosynthesis by linking some oxide molecules to light-sensitive dyes .

  10. 锌、镥类酞菁光敏染料的合成与性能研究

    The Synthesis and Properties of Zinc and Lutetium Phthalocyanine Photosensitive Dyes

  11. 单晶锗表面键合光敏染料的研究

    Studies on Photosensitive Dyes Binding to Monocrystalline Germanium Surface

  12. 三苯胺类光敏染料用于染料敏化太阳能电池的研究

    Study on the Triphenylamine-Based Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells

  13. 比较研究了三种含苄叉环戊酮基团的新型香豆素类光敏染料。

    Absorption spectra of three novel coumarin sensitizer incorporate benzylidene cyclopentanone moiety were studied .

  14. 这种现象的发现,为以后用于染料敏化太阳能电池的光敏染料的设计开辟了新的思路。

    The discovery of this phenomenon broadened the design mentality of photosensitizer for DSCs .

  15. 太阳电池用多羧酸光敏染料研究(Ⅰ)&多羧酸染料的合成

    Studies of polycarboxylic photosensitive - dyes used for solar cells (ⅰ) syntheses of polycarboxylic dyes

  16. 这是目前所报道的光电转换效率最高的近红外光敏染料。

    Up to now , this is the highest solar energy conversion efficiency of NIR dye-sensitized solar cells reported .

  17. 以联噻吩为骨架构建的光电材料显示出优越的性能,相关的基础和应用研究因而受到广泛关注,其中以光敏染料、电致发光材料、聚合物电池等方面的研究最为突出。

    Bithiophene based photoelectric material showed excellent performance , and attracted a widespread attention , such as photosensitive dye , electroluminescent materials and polymer cell .

  18. 而在染料电池中,光会先被光敏染料的分子捕获。染料电池是在上世纪90年代由瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院发明的。

    In the case of dye-based cells , which were invented at the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne , in Switzerland , in the 1990s , the light is first captured by molecules of a photosensitive dye .

  19. 光敏染料分子本身附着在二氧化钛微粒上,二氧化钛是种半导体,没有硅那么广为人知(但更便宜)。整个附着过程都是在电解液里两个电极之间进行的。

    The dye molecules themselves are bound to tiny particles of titanium dioxide , a less-famous ( but cheaper ) semiconductor than silicon , and the whole assembly is immersed in an electrolyte and sandwiched between two electrodes .

  20. 光敏染料作为染料敏化太阳能电池的主要部分之一,起到吸收光子并将电子注入到纳米半导体导带中的作用,同时产生的氧化态染料又能快速被电解质中的氧化还原电对还原再生。

    As one of main components of dye-sensitized solar cells ( DSCs ), dye sensitizer takes the function of injecting the photo-excited electrons into conduction band of semiconductor . The oxidized dye is then regenerated by the redox couple in electrolyte .

  21. 介绍了染料敏化太阳能电池的结构和工作原理,并对其各项组成要素如多孔纳米TiO2膜、光敏化染料、电解质等的研究进展进行了综述和探讨。

    The structure and working principle of dye - sensitized nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cell ( DSSC ) were introduced . The development of the factors of DSSC such as TiO2 film , sensitized dye and electrolyte , etc. were summarized and discussed .

  22. 可溶性光敏还原染料对抗紫外整理织物的测定

    Testing of Ultraviolet-resistant Fabric with Light Sensitive and Soluble Vat Dyes

  23. 利用某些光敏性染料在特定波长光线作用下发生光化学反应的原理,建立家兔局部脑梗塞动物模型。

    In this study , a rabbit model with cerebral infarction was established by means of photochemical response of some photosensitive dyes under the action of lights of special wave lengths .