
  • 网络karaoke copyright royalties
  1. 因此,对于MTV版权使用费的分配问题,平均分配的方式也是较为合适的选择。

    Therefore , for MTV copyright royalty , the mode of average distribution is relatively appropriate choice .

  2. 苹果最近新推出的流媒体服务苹果音乐(AppleMusic)增添了新的特色,比如包含视频内容,这意味着索尼/ATV能够自行协商版权使用费。

    Apple Music , the new streaming service Apple unveiled last Monday , has extra features , such as the inclusion of video elements , which meant Sony / ATV was able to negotiate its own rates .

  3. 人们在注意到这些事实时,柯蒂斯糖果公司始终坚称自己的糖果名取自鲁斯克利夫兰(RuthCleveand),他们从不对贝比鲁斯(BabeRuth)支付任何版权使用费。

    When people noted these facts , Curtiss stood by their Ruth Cleveland story . They never had to pay royalties to Babe Ruth .

  4. 不过,他对美国司法部针对ASCAP和BMI运营方式的一项审查满怀希望,认为该项审查将给予音乐发行商更多自行协商版权使用费的自由。

    Instead , he is hopeful that a US justice department review into how Ascap and BMI operate will give publishers more leeway to negotiate their own royalty rates .

  5. 班迪尔还在争取提高与其他流媒体服务协商版权使用费的能力,但在目前的制度下,索尼/ATV要想这样做就必须先退出ASCAP和BMI。

    Mr Bandier is pushing for the ability to negotiate royalty rates with other streaming services too , but , under the current system , Sony / ATV would have to resign its memberships of Ascap and BMI before it could do so .

  6. 中国制定卡拉OK歌厅版权使用费标准

    China sets royalty payment standard for karaoke bars

  7. 数字音频流媒体服务的版权使用费是强制性的,由一位美国联邦法官设定。

    Performance royalty rates for audio - digital streaming services are compulsory and set by a US federal judge .

  8. 除了为争取更好的版权使用费而苦恼以外,这名精明的音乐人对未来抱着乐观的态度。

    Despite the distractions of trying to secure better royalty rates , the consummate music man is upbeat about the future .

  9. 这将是一项艰巨的任务,其中可能包括从美国的成千上万家酒吧和餐厅收取版权使用费。

    This would be a huge undertaking and involve collecting royalties from , say , the many thousands of bars and restaurants in America .

  10. 一项1909年的版权使用费法要求电台对歌曲作者付款,但不必对歌者付款。他多年游说国会修改这项法律,但毫无成效。

    He spent years fruitlessly lobbying Congress to change a 1909 royalties law , which requires radio broadcasters to pay composers but not performers .

  11. 受众仅次于电视的地面电台没有受到数字电台的威胁,考虑到数字电台需要付出的高额版权使用费后尤其如此。

    Second only to television in its reach , terrestrial radio does not face much of a threat from digital , especially given the royalty burden on digital providers .

  12. 与此同时,芬兰的多家电视台正在同一些节目版权代理机构就未来版权使用费的收费标准展开谈判,在没有达成协议的情况下,他们不准备播出任何节目。

    Finnish broadcasters at the same time are in talks with copyright organisations on future copyright fees , holding back programmes .

  13. 对于音乐版权集体管理组织来说,收取以及分配版权使用费虽然不是它们仅有的工作,但这个部分绝对是工作的主要内容和重要环节,并且也是其成立的主要目的之一。

    For music copyright collective management organizations , the collection and distribution of music royalties is not the only work but this part is absolutely the most important link and main content in their whole work , also one of the main purposes of their establishment .