
  • 网络textual criticism
  1. 论古书序跋在版本鉴定中的作用

    The Relation between Prefaces and Postscripts to an Ancient Book and Appraisal of Its Edition

  2. 因此,实践方面分别对其版本鉴定内容及方法、版本目录著作进行研究。

    Therefore , the part of practice is to discuss about her contents and methods of edition identification and bibliography of book edition .

  3. 随着中医药文献整理研究工作的不断加强和国内古籍市场的相继开放,古籍版本鉴定已成为古籍整理、收藏者不可不知的一门学问。

    As a constant reorganization of TCM literature and the opening of its market in China , the edition appraisal of ancient books became a necessary knowledge for the collector .

  4. 试论《流通古书约》与《古欢社约》的图书馆流通思想论古书序跋在版本鉴定中的作用

    Thought of Book Circulation on Liu Tong Gu Shu Yue & Gu Huan She Yue The Relation between Prefaces and Postscripts to an Ancient Book and Appraisal of Its Edition

  5. 他精于版本鉴定,能综合运用避讳字、刻工姓名、牌记、字体、序跋等各种方法鉴定古籍,但偶有失误之处。

    He proficient edition identification , could use of the word engraved the names of licensing in mind , fonts , various methods preface and postscript to identify books , but a few errors in it .

  6. 他不仅善于运用各种方法对版本进行鉴定,而且将校勘与版本学紧密结合起来,使鉴定结论更加科学和准确。

    Not only does he authenticate the edition in various methods , but also combines the emendation as a assistant way with the edition closely so that it can make the conclusion more scientific and accurate .

  7. 第六部分介绍了缪荃孙在版本源流、版本鉴定、版本目录方面的经验与方法,并分析了他成为版本学家的原因。

    Part ⅵ introduces Miao 's experiences and techniques in bibliotics , and analyses the reasons why he is a philologist .

  8. 他把版本学提高到科学的高度来认识,在版本鉴定方面有一套行之有效的方法;

    He advanced the study of edition to a higher and more scientific degree and worked out a set of effective ways to distinguish different editions .

  9. 他的版本学、目录学成就,主要体现在:对版本的鉴定,如通过传统方法以及多种方法的综合利用;将校勘成果用于鉴别版本优劣,鉴定版刻时代;编撰了多部优秀的版本目录。

    He had identified edition by means of traditional and many methods ; used collation achievements to distinguish edition , identify edition time ; written many outstanding edition catalogs .