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  1. 第九条中华人民共和国公民有受教育的权利和义务。

    Article 9 Citizens of the People 's Republic of China shall have the right and obligation to receive education .

  2. 第九条各级红十字会理事会由会员代表大会民主选举产生。

    Article 9 The Councils of the Red Cross Societies at various levels shall be democratically elected by respective congresses of members .

  3. 第九条生产、储存和装卸易燃易爆危险物品的工厂、仓库和专用车站、码头,必须设置在城市的边缘或者相对独立的安全地带。

    Article 9 Existing factories and warehouses for production , storage , loading and unloading of inflammable and explosive dangerous goods , shall be established at urban border area or independent safety zone .

  4. 第九条登记结婚后,根据男女双方约定,女方可以成为男方家庭的成员,男方可以成为女方家庭的成员。

    Article 9 After a marriage has been registered , the woman may become a member of the man " s family or vice versa , depending on the agreed wishes of the two parties .

  5. 第九条地方各级审计机关对本级人民政府和上一级审计机关负责并报告工作,审计业务以上级审计机关领导为主。

    Article 9 Local audit institutions at various levels shall be responsible and report on their work to the people 's governments at the corresponding levels and to the audit institutions at the next higher levels , and their audit work shall be directed chiefly by the audit institutions at the next higher levels .

  6. TitleNine全称为1972教育修正案第九条(TitleNineoftheEducationAmendmentsofnineteenseventy-two)。

    The full name is Title Nine of the Education Amendments of nineteen seventy-two .

  7. IKE(Internetkeyexchange,Internet密钥交换)是VPN实现中的主要组成部分,IKE过程是比较固定的过程,包括两个阶段,一共有九条消息。

    IKE ( Internet Key Exchange ) is major part of the implement of VPN ; it is fixed process , has two phases , and has 9 messages .

  8. 此外,把它正式化可能会削弱公司和团队在校园中的自主权,令其受到一些规定的约束,比如性别平等法律《教育法修正案第九条》(TitleIX)等。

    In addition , formal recognition could diminish the autonomy that companies and teams have on campuses , bringing about rules like Title IX , the gender equity law .

  9. 哈佛大学周四表示,这项改变是在一个专家组复审了该校与教育法修正案第九条(TitleIX)相关的政策之后做出的。该条款旨在禁止教育领域的性别歧视。

    Harvard said Thursday that the change had been made after a panel reviewing the institution 's policy on Title IX , the federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in education , determined that the university 's existing policy language on

  10. 全面理解《九条意见》大力发展资本市场

    Fully Understanding The Nine Guidelines Promoting the Development of Capital Market

  11. 提出了九条改进建议及防治措施。

    Provided 9 items of suggestion for improvement and treatment measures .

  12. 《条例》第九条规定的限制性条款

    " the restrictive clauses of Article 9 of the Regulations ,"

  13. 第九条禁止接受联邦资助的教育项目性别歧视。

    Title IX prohibited sex discrimination in educational programs receiving federal assistance .

  14. 第九条继承权男女平等。

    Article 9 Males and females are equal in their right to inheritance .

  15. 第九条申请人应当如实填写出口申请表。

    Article 9 An applicant shall truthfully fill in the export application form .

  16. 第九条长寿法则建议人们不断接受新技术。

    Rule nine advises those seeking a long life to embrace new technologies .

  17. 关于《人民警察使用警械和武器条例》第九条的反思

    Rethinking on Article Nine of the Regulation of Employing Police Tools and Weapons

  18. 第九条属于禁止进口的货物,不得进口。

    Article 9 No goods that are prohibited from importation may be imported .

  19. 猫被认为有九条生命。

    The cat was thought to possess nine lives .

  20. 黄河中游九条试点小流域投资效益分析

    Input and output analysis for testing small watersheds in middle reaches of Yellow River

  21. 第九条亚洲安全合作组织具有完全的法律人格。

    Article 9 . The ASCO shall have a complete and perfect international personality .

  22. 有个牧师干脆说,我们只需守九条诫命。

    One church pastor declared that only nine of the ten need be kept .

  23. 第九条,概括地说就是“尊重知识,尊重人才”八个字。

    The ninth part can be summed up as'respecting knowledge and talented people ' .

  24. 大牛,一共有九条龙。

    Daniel , there are altogether nine dragons .

  25. 九条金鱼水里游。

    In the water swim nine goldfish .

  26. 你太忙了,竟然没有注意到第九条漏掉了。

    You are too busy to notice there was no # 9 on this list .

  27. 第九条国家实行采矿权有偿取得的制度。

    Article 9 The State implements a system of paid acquisition of the mining right .

  28. 第九条与伯尔尼公约的关系

    Article 9 Relation to the Berne Convention

  29. 第九条本公约所提到的货币单位为金价。

    The monetary units mentioned in this Convention are to be taken to be gold value .

  30. 我有九条小金鱼。

    I have nine little goldfish .