
  • 网络Urea;Serum urea
  1. 同时,海尔福有明显升高Hb和降低汞中毒家兔的血清尿素氮、肌酐、尿蛋白等功用,保护肾功能,对人体健康有益无害。

    Also , Haier fu had the effects on raising llb and reducing urea nitrogen , creatinine and urinary protein in blood serum , protected the renal function and was beneficial to health .

  2. 目的探讨应激性血糖升高对急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者预后的影响及AMI患者血糖与血清尿素氮(BUN)水平之间的关系。

    Objective To research the effect of the prognostic significance of stress blood glucose rise to the patients with acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) and the relation between blood glucose and blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ) .

  3. 男子划艇运动员急性大负荷运动后机体血清尿素氮(BUN)的变化规律

    Male Rowers Change Regularity in BUN After Instaneous Heavy Load Activities

  4. 试验组血清尿素氮含量较对照组无显著差异(P0.05)。

    The level of serum urea nitrogen in treatment groups I had no significant differences with the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 各组大鼠血清尿素氮、电解质和渗透压比差异无显著性(P0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the serum urea nitrogen , electrolyte and osmotic pressure among all the groups ( P0.05 ) .

  6. 在添加150~300g苜蓿时血清尿素氮(UreaN)浓度由于产生的正组合效应而提高;

    The serum Urea N concentration increased because of the Associative Effect when adding 150 ~ 300g alfalfa .

  7. B、C组血清尿素氮含量分别降低了3.44%、9.73%,胆固醇含量分别降低了11.08%、44.78%(p<0.01);

    The serum urea nitrogen concentration of group B and C decreased by 3.44 % , 9.73 % respectively , cholesterin concentration decreased by 11.08 % , 44.78 % ( p < 0.01 ) respectively ;

  8. 了解黄疸对尿素酶偶联法测定血清尿素氮(BUN)的影响。

    To understand the influence of icterus on urease coupling method for determining the serum urea nitrogen ( BUN ) .

  9. 代谢能和能蛋交互作用对日增重、采食量、21日龄骡鸭腿肌重、血清尿素氮、尿酸浓度有显著影响(p<0.05);

    The average daily gain ( ADG ), ADFI , leg muscle weight of 21-day male mule duck , serum urea nitrogen and uric acid concentration were affected by the interaction of ME and CP ( p < 0.05 ) .

  10. 小鼠运动后产生的乳酸量、肝糖原消耗量、血清尿素氮、肌肉组织SOD,GSH消耗量和MDA产生量,与对照组相比均有不同程度减少;

    Carnosine supplementation decreased the production of serum lactic acid , serum urea , muscle MDA , and the consumption of liver glycogen , muscle GSH and SOD .

  11. CDDP处理后,分别在第1、3和5天采血,测定血清尿素氮(BUN)和肌酐(CRE)。

    Blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ) and creatinine ( CRE ) were determined on 1,3,5 days after CDDP treatment .

  12. 结果:术后患者血清尿素氮(BUN)、肌酐(Cr)恢复正常或接近正常,尿量恢复,结石排净率88%(22/25)。

    Results : All patients serum BUN and Cr levels decreased in different degree or return to normal , stone-free rates were up to 88 % ( 22 / 25 ) .

  13. 测量血清尿素(SU)和血清肌氨酸激酶(CK)值,除了对优秀运动员进行诊断和分析之外,也用于对运动员日常训练状态进行监控。

    Object : The measurement of SU and CK can be used for the diagnosis and analysis of elite athletes and for the purpose of monitoring athletes daily training as well .

  14. 方法根据PET结果,结合临床疗效及血清尿素氮、血肌酐,对22例持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)患者的透析方案作适当调整。

    Methods The PD schemes of 22 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis ( CAPD ) patients were adjusted properly according to the results of PET , clinical manifestation , plasma BUN and creatinine levels .

  15. 在血清尿素氮含量方面,血清尿素氮随着干苹果渣用量的增加而升高,但各组间差异并不显著(P0.05)。

    In terms of the blood urea nitrogen , the blood urea nitrogen grew with the increase of dry apple pomace , but there was no significant difference between each the test groups and the control group ( P0.05 ) .

  16. 观察肾组织中P-选择素、ICAM-1的表达以及丙二醛(MDA)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性变化,检测血清尿素氮(BUN)和肌酐(Cr)的含量。

    The P-selectin and ICAM-1 expression , malonyldialdehyde ( MDA ) contents and super oxide dismutase ( SOD ) activities in renal tissues , level of serum blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ) and creatinine ( Cr ) were detected .

  17. 方法:通过腹腔注射庆大霉素制造大鼠肾损伤模型,用不同剂量配比的肾气丸进行治疗,观测大鼠血清尿素氮(BUN)、血清肌酐(Cr)及肾脏病理切片。

    Methods : Manufacturing renal injury rats model by intraperitoneal injection of gentamicin , then treat with the different shenqi pill dose pairing , observe the rats ' serum urea nitrogen ( BUN ), serum creatinine ( Cr ) and renal biopsy .

  18. 方法:采用大鼠肾缺血再灌注模型,木芙蓉叶有效组分灌胃,检测血清尿素氮、肌酐,并检测白细胞介素-1(IL-1)的含量。

    METHODS : The rat model of renal ischemic reperfusion was adopted and MFR was applied for gastric perfusion to determine serum blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ) and serum creatinine ( Scr ) and the level of interleukin 1 ( IL 1 ) .

  19. 结果DMPS和DPA显著降低染汞大鼠组尿NAG、ALP活性,血清尿素氮(BUN)和尿蛋白含量,以及肾MDA和GSH含量及GSH-Px的活性,但对尿汞肾汞含量影响不大。

    Results DMPS and DPA reduced significantly urinary NAG , ALP activities , urinary proteins and BUN contents , and Hg contents in the kidneys and livers , however there was not any influence on urinary and renal Hg contents .

  20. FLF可以提高游泳恢复24小时后小鼠的肌糖原和肝糖原的含量;降低血乳酸和血清尿素氮的水平;

    FLF can enhance mice liver glycogen and muscle glycogen content , reduce serum urea nitrogen and blood lactic acid content after mice swimed and rest for 24 hours .

  21. 方法:测定150例妊高征患者和40例正常孕产妇的24h尿蛋白定量、血清尿素氮(BUN)、尿酸(UA)、肌酐(Cr)、钙(Ca2+)和血压水平。

    Methods : 24-hour urinary proteinuria excretion ( 24h-UPE ), blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ), uric acid ( UA ), creatinine ( Cr ), calcium ( Ca 2 + ) and blood pressure levels were measured in 150 patients with PIH and 40 women with normal pregnancy .

  22. 选用成年雄性小白鼠,经口服该保健品21d后,观察小鼠负重游泳时间,测定小鼠游泳后血清尿素氮、血乳酸及肝糖原含量。

    After the health food was administered to the male mice for 21 days , the mice swam for a period and their blood was taken for determining urea nitrogen in serum and lactic acid in blood .

  23. 经Aeroset型全自动生化分析仪测定血清尿素氮、肌酐,检测各脏器组织匀浆超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、丙二醛(MDA)、NO含量及NOS、诱导型NOS(iNOS)活性。

    The blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine were determined by automatic biochemical analyzer ( Aeroset ), superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), malondialdehyde ( MDA ), NO , nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ), and inducible nitric oxide synthase ( iNOS ) in tissue homogenate were also determined .

  24. 小鼠每天饲喂33~100mg/kg白刺籽油,连续给样28d,然后测定小鼠的负重游泳时间、爬杆时间和小鼠运动后血清尿素氮、肝糖原及乳酸的含量。

    After every mice was feed 33 ~ 100 mg / kg seed oil every day continuously for 28 days , the swimming , climbing time of the mice and the content of serum urea-nitrogen , hepatic glycogen and lactic acid were measured .

  25. 哺乳母猪产后14d和21d血清尿素氮的浓度呈线性或二次曲线下降(P<0.01),而血清游离赖氨酸的浓度则呈二次曲线变化趋势(P<0.05)。

    On the 14 d and 21 d after parturition , urea nitrogen in the serum was decreased quadratic ( P < 0.01 ), while the free amino acid in serum was increased in linear or quadratic (( P < 0.05 ) . )

  26. 结果表明:低浓缩铀引起血清尿素氮浓度和外周血淋巴细胞微核出现率显著升高的剂量,注射后第1天为1.00mg/kg;第4天为0.50mg/kg。

    The results showed that the doses of the marked increase of BUN concentration and micronucleus rates were 1.00mg/kg for the 1st day and 0.50mg/kg for the 4th day after injection .

  27. 慢性肾功能不全与血清尿素氮和肌酐呈负相关,与血清白蛋白浓度呈正相关。

    Chronic renal dysfunction showed negative correlation with serum albumin level .

  28. 邻苯二甲醛法测定血清尿素的研究

    Study on determination of urea in serum by spectrophotometry with o-phthalaldehyde

  29. 赛艇训练对血清尿素的影响

    Discussion on the effect of training on serum urea in rowers

  30. 血清尿素氮显著低于其对照组。

    Level of serum urea was lower significantly than control group .