
xuè jiānɡ tónɡ lán dàn bái
  • ceruloplasmin
  1. Wilson病突变热点PCR-RFLP分析及血浆铜蓝蛋白检测

    Detections of the hot point mutations in Chinese Wilson disease ′ s gene with PCR-RFLP and the plasma ceruloplasmin levels

  2. 本例患者血浆铜蓝蛋白和尿铜水平均正常:肝活检无铜蓄积表现,也没有其他表现能够证明肝豆状核变性。

    Serum ceruloplasmin and urine copper levels were normal in the case patient : liver biopsy did not reveal copper accumulation , and there were no other findings suggestive of Wilson 's disease .

  3. 实验室检查:血清铜减低,血浆铜蓝蛋白减低。

    Laboratory tests : low levels of serum copper and ceruloplasmin .

  4. 以血浆铜蓝蛋白水平作为铜水平的代表,基础水平的平均值是(3.8±1.1)单位。

    The CPL level was regarded as the copper level , the mean value of basic level was ( 3.8 ± 1.1 ) unit .

  5. 其他测试包括血清铁和血浆铜蓝蛋白、铁饱和度、24小时尿铜水平和妊娠试验结果都没有异常。

    The results of other tests , including the measurement of serum iron and ceruloplasmin concentrations , iron saturation , 24-hour urine copper levels and a pregnancy test , were unremarkable .

  6. 硫酸盐对摄食高钼绵羊体内铜状态的影响与单纯投钼羊类似,表现为肝、肾等组织铜、血浆总铜以及铜蓝蛋白氧化酶(CP)活性增加;

    The increase of copper concentration in tissues ( liver , kidneys , etc. )