
  • 网络Blood Moon
  1. 据NPR新闻的亚当·科尔报道,这次月全食名为“血月”。

    NPR 's Adam Cole reports it 's called " a blood moon . "

  2. 我觉得你忘了今天是血月之夜吧。

    I think you 're forgetting about the blood moon .

  3. 马克:今晚有超级大月亮蓝色血月。

    Mark : There 's a super blue blood moon tonight .

  4. 另一次“血月”奇观将于10月来临。

    Another blood moon is due in October .

  5. 什么是血月呢?

    What about a blood moon ?

  6. 保卫墓地的血月之战的缚灵是这个世界最致命的生物!

    Spirits of War of the Blood Moonriors guarding Necropolis are among the most lethal creatures in this world !

  7. 如果你想欣赏“血月”奇观,最好的观赏时间是东海岸时间凌晨2点;

    If you 'd like to see this blood moon , it gets good around 2:00 a.m. on the east coast ;

  8. 由于阳光穿过地球大气层时发生散射,月亮将呈现橘色或红色。因此得名血月。

    The Moon will appear orange or red , the result of sunlight scattering off our atmosphere , hence the name Blood Moon .

  9. 他们称之为“血月”…那个监狱里,有一个鬼…

    What they call " The blood moon ... " Okay , what was at this prison was a -- was a ghost --

  10. 血月之蚀证实了盲者兄弟会的预言,如今,谢尔戈的恶魔们侵入了尚未准备好迎击敌人的亚山世界。

    The Blood Moon eclipse has confirmed the prophecy of the Blind Brothers and now Demons of Sheogh have invaded the unprepared lands of Ahan .

  11. 结果:血透3个月后慢肾康治疗组的SCr、BUN、CCr与对照组比较有显著性或非常显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    Results : In 3 months on HD the SCr , BUN , and CCr in treated group in comparison with control group had significant or very significant differences ( P 0 05 or P 0 01 ) .

  12. 纳入标准:维持性血透3个月以上,病情稳定,糖尿病肾病、狼疮性肾炎等继发性肾病患者其原发病应控制稳定。

    Inclusion criteria : maintenance hemodialysis for more than 3 months in stable condition , diabetic nephropathy , lupus nephritis and other kidney patients secondary to their incidence and stability should be controlled .