
  1. 恶魔法阵:召唤:这个法术将不能再在交通工具或者其他移动的物体上施放。

    Demonic Circle : Summon : This spell can no longer be cast while on a transport or other moving object .

  2. 一个暗影猎手会冒险进入法阵将自己献给上古之神,将他的鲜血喷洒到空中&以此诱使太古的残酷的到来并使他的敌人陷入最可怕的苦难。

    For example a shadow hunter might venture onto grounds consecrated to the Old Gods and spill his own blood to entice the forces of primeval cruelty to come and visit their worst afflictions upon him .

  3. 阶梯法在线阵CCD位置检测中的应用

    Application of step-method in locality detection of linear array CCD

  4. 解Helmholtz方程的共轭梯度法三角阵预处理器

    A Triangular Matrix Preconditioner of the Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Helmholtz Equation

  5. 首先,运用相位模式激励法把阵元空间中的均匀圆阵(UCA)转换为模式空间中的均匀直线阵,即虚拟均匀线性阵(VULA)。

    First , the mode excitation method was used to transform the uniform circular array ( UCA ) in element space into a virtual uniform linear array ( VULA ) in mode space as explained in many papers .

  6. 时谐电磁场问题共轭梯度法三角阵预处理器的研究

    A Study on the Triangular Matrix Preconditioner of the Conjugate Gradient Method for Harmonic Electromagnetic Problems

  7. 介绍了一种用查表法完成阵面所有单元布相的方法。

    This paper introduces a method of seeking table to accomplish phase distribution for every phase shifter in antenna .

  8. 基阵阵元间相位差测试系统用于换能器基阵阵元之间的相位差测量,加速度计采集阵元振动表面的加速度信号之后通过相关法计算阵元之间的相位差异。

    Firstly , accelerometers extract the acceleration signal on the surface of the transducer , then , calculate the phase difference between array components through relevant method .

  9. 残差绝对值和最小法在单线阵CCD卫星影像后方交会粗差探测中的应用

    The Application of the Adjustment Model of Minimizing the Sum of Absolute Residuals in Gross Error Detection of Linear Array Satellitic Scanner Imagery Resection

  10. 文中也讨论了Gauss-Seidel,AOR迭代法的迭代阵的谱半径的上界估计。

    The bounds of the spectral radius of the iteration matrix of Gauss-Seidel and AOR are also presented .

  11. 利用残差绝对值和最小法进行单线阵CCD卫星影像的后方交会,一般来说,不仅可以克服外方位元素之间的强相关性,而且可以有效地剔除粗差。

    Generally , the application of the adjustment model of minimizing the sum of absolute residuals in satellitic linear array scanner imagery resection not only can overcome the strong relativity of exterior orientation elements , but also can eliminate gross error effectively .

  12. 它采用自适应部分地选择控制零点的控制阵元(PA),按照最大信干噪比原则,用部分唯相共轭梯度法计算各个阵元的优化唯相权矢量来减轻干扰的影响。

    With this approach , array elements controlling nulls are partially selected adaptively ( PA ) and the optimal phasor is achieved by partial phase-only conjugate gradient algorithm to mitigate interferences according to the maximal signal to interference plus noise ratio ( SINR ) .

  13. 用信号子空间法对测向阵元位置进行校准

    Sensor location calibration using signal subspace methods for direction finding technique

  14. 用信号子空间法校准天线阵各通道增益和相位的不一致性

    Calibration of Sensor Gain and Phase Uncertainties Using Signal Subspace Methods

  15. 4块矩阵法求长方阵的减号逆

    Deriving the inverse matrices of rectangular matrices by using four-block matrix method

  16. 一类迭代法的迭代阵谱半径的收敛性分析

    A Constringent Analysis of Iterative Chart Radius of the First Type Iterative Method

  17. 应用快捷的查表法完成了阵面所有单元的一次布相。

    This paper adapts the method of seeking table to accomplish phase distribution .

  18. 有限单元法的波阵解法

    The Wave Front Method in Solving Finite Element Equations

  19. 自适应波束形成权递推算法及其脉动阵实现

    Recursive algorithm for adaptive arrays and systolic array implementation

  20. 圆柱齿轮齿面接触线法向刚阵与齿向载荷分布的研究

    Research on normal stiffness matrix of contact line and load distribution of cylindrical gear tooth flanks

  21. 基于先验求权的虚拟观测值法及其在线阵影像定向中的应用

    The virtual observation method with weight prior-determined and its application in orientation of the linear array imagery

  22. 本文给出使用矩量法分析天线阵接收性能时几个关键问题的处理方法。

    Some key techniques using the Method of Moments in the analysis of receiving performance of array are given .

  23. 此外,这种方法还可用于广义层次分析法的判断阵一致性检验。

    In addition , the method presented can be also used to test the judgement matrix uniformity in extended AHP .

  24. 采用矩量法分析天线阵网络,网络理论分析集合线网络。

    Method of moment is used to analyze antennas array network and network theory is used in dealing with feed line network .

  25. 最后根据稀布阵的特点,提出了两种子阵划分方法:子阵单元规则排列法和子阵单元数一定法。

    Finally , two kinds of subarray division are given by the property of sparse antenna array : regular arranging and fixed number of antenna elements in the subarray .

  26. 声波叠加法在基阵辐射场计算以及波束合成中的应用任意阵形水声换能器阵辐射声场计算

    Application of the wave superposition method in radiation calculation and beam synthesis of an underwater acoustic transducer array Sound field calculation of underwater acoustic projecting transducer array of arbitrary shape

  27. 计算结果表明,抗差岭型组合主成分估计不但能克服法方程系数阵病态性的影响,而且能有效地抵制观测值中粗差的异常干扰,使参数的解更为准确可靠。

    Results of computations show that the new method can not only reduce the ill-conditioning in the efficient matrix of normal equation , but also resist the interference of outliers within observations effectively , which makes the solutions of parameters both accurate and reliable .

  28. 该法利用彩色面阵CCD摄像机完成葡萄干的摄像,经高速图像采集卡数字化后输入计算机。

    It could take images of raisin by face CCD camera and puts digital image data into computer by way of image collection card .

  29. 研究结果表明:(1)增加信息量法可以改善设计阵的结构,从而使LS估计更加稳定。

    The results show that increasing the amount of information can improve the design matrix structure , so that the LS estimate is more stable .

  30. 而信号子空间法给出了聚焦阵构造的新方法。

    And a new focussing matrix is proposed in coherent signal-subspace method .