
  • 网络Alliance Francaise;Alliances francaises;Alliance francai;alliance francais;Alliance France
  1. 第一个法语联盟创建于1883年,负有在海外宣传法语及法语国家文化的使命。中国孔子学院的使命也是宣传汉语和中国传统文化。

    The first Alliance Francaise was set up in1883 and has been entrusted with the task of promoting the French language and culture abroad-a task identical with that of Confucius Institutes .

  2. 第三部分详述了以德国的歌德学院、西班牙的塞万提斯学院、法国的法语联盟及英国的文化委员会的创建和发展的经历,总结了对孔子学院发展的启示。

    Part of the third , example the experience of creation and development of Goethe Institute , Institute Cervantes , Alliance France , The British Council , to promote the development of Confucius Institute .

  3. 如今,法语联盟无可争议的成为法语外语教学领域的标杆。

    Today , the Alliance Fran ç aise serves as a reference in the field of French as a foreign language teaching .

  4. 法语联盟的独特之处在于开展法语教学的同时培养学员对世界法语文化的兴趣。

    The originality of the Alliance Fran ç aise lies in its missions , which consist in developing both French language teaching and a taste for Francophone cultures in the world .

  5. 启动大英国协及法语系国家联盟的「垂直肉粽操纵策略」。

    Develop support networks in the British Commonwealth and the Francophonie alliance of French-speaking countries .