
  1. 尽管乐视电动车未能现身舞台,贾跃亭透露法拉第未来或许会在1月份消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)上发布首款量产电动车。

    Despite LeEco 's own car failing to appear on stage , Mr Jia revealed that Faraday Future would perhaps unveil its first production car in January at the Consumer Electronics Show .

  2. 得到了一位中国企业家支持的电动车公司法拉第未来(FaradayFuture)周四表示,将投资10亿美元,在拉斯维加斯郊区建一座占地900英亩的工厂。

    Faraday Future , an electric car company backed by a Chinese entrepreneur , said on Thursday it would invest $ 1 billion to build a 900-acre factory in a suburb of Las Vegas .

  3. 乐视还与美国公司法拉第未来(FaradayFuture)合作,计划将乐视的移动和内容服务嵌入法拉第未来的车辆中。法拉第未来是一家神秘但资金充足的自动驾驶汽车开发商,乐视也投资了法拉第未来。

    It is also partnering with US-based Faraday Future , a secretive but well-funded developer of autonomous cars in which it is also an investor , to build LeEco 's mobile and content services into Faraday 's vehicles .

  4. 该公司正斥资18亿美元,在浙江省建设一座电动汽车制造厂。此外,该公司还是法拉第未来(FaradayFuture)的主要投资方之一,法拉第未来正在美国拉斯维加斯郊外建设另一座电动汽车制造厂。

    The company is spending $ 1.8bn on an electric-car plant in east China 's Zhejiang province and is also a primary backer of Faraday Future , which is building a separate electric car factory in the suburbs of Las Vegas .

  5. 贾跃亭宣布这一消息时,坐在观众席里的法拉第未来的一名高管面露诧异,他摇了摇头,似乎示意贾跃亭他不想将该消息公之于众。发布会开始前该消息在私下传过。

    That announcement appeared to come as a surprise to a Faraday Future executive sitting in the audience , who was shown shaking his head and seeming to gesture to Mr Jia that he did not want the news - shared privately before the stage show began - made public .