
  • 网络legal interest
  1. 法律利益的界分及其冲突处理

    Defining the Legal Interest and Treating the Conflicts between Interests

  2. 保险中的法律利益原则与经济利益原则

    A study of comparison between the legal interest principle and the economic interest principle in insurance

  3. 在本文第一章对纯获民事法律利益的法哲学基础进行了讨论。

    Chapter One discusses the legal philosophical foundation of purely obtaining civil law benefits .

  4. 主要讨论纯获民事法律利益中的法定代理人问题;自己支配的金钱实现的合同给付;

    It chiefly discusses the issues need solving in purely obtaining civil law benefits .

  5. 第三章是对纯获民事法律利益内容的研究。

    Chapter Three is the study on the content of purely obtaining civil law benefits .

  6. 法律利益是从利益体系中剥离出来的,以法定形式存在的利益。

    The legal interest is an existing one in legal form and derived from the interest system .

  7. 论法律利益

    On the Legal Interests

  8. 诉的利益是当事人诉诸诉讼所具有的法律利益及构成司法救济的必要性。

    Suit interests are the legal interests that parties have in a suit and the necessity of judicial remedy .

  9. 妥善处理各种法律利益之间的冲突是我国目前面临的重大课题,亟需法学界对法律利益冲突有关的理论进行探讨。

    How to deal with the conflicts between various legal interests is a very important subject which needs theoretical exploration .

  10. 在行政诉讼中存在两种实质性的原告资格标准,即法律利益标准和事实利益标准。

    There exist two authentic kinds of the qualification standard of plaintiff in administrative litigation , namely law interest standard and fact interest standard .

  11. 最密切联系原则优势在于突破传统冲突规范的束缚,协调与融合了不同的法律利益与关系。

    The benefit of this principle is that it breaks the limitation from the traditional conflict rules , coordinates and integrates the different laws .

  12. 我国《保险法》所确立的法律利益原则同样适用于海上保险。

    The principle of legal interest , which is established by Insurance Law of the PRC , may equally be applied in marine insurance .

  13. 法律利益原则与经济利益原则孰优孰劣,一直是保险学领域广泛争议的问题。

    Which of the two principles the legal interest principle and the economic interest prin ciple is better has long been an extensively disputed problem .

  14. 通过对汶川地震恢复重建规划的分析可以发现,行政规划的确定将对众多社会群体的法律利益和事实利益产生重大影响。

    From the analysis of the reconstruction plans for Wenchuan earthquake , we can find that administrative plans will influence different social groups legal and actual interests obviously .

  15. 保险利益既非经济利益也非关系利益更非法律利益,而是指可以转嫁的不确定的风险。

    Insurance interest is neither economic benefit nor concerned interest , and let it alone , legal interest , but refers to the risk not confirmed that can be shifted .

  16. 讨论纯获民事法律利益目的是为保护限制行为能力人和无行为能力人的权利,使之减少对直接义务的负担。

    The purpose of discussing purely obtaining civil law benefits is to protect the rights of the people with limited capacity for civil conduct and those with incapacity for civil conduct and also to reduce their burden of direct duty .

  17. 我国应当依据现有和未来的国情选择和构建自己的标准。法律利益标准是我国行政诉讼原告资格标准的恰当选择。

    Thereinto , law interest Standard is the fitting choice of the qualification standard of plaintiff in administrative litigation in our country once our country chooses and sets up own standard according to the existing and future state of our nation .

  18. 主要介绍了企业规避无固定期限劳动合同的几种方式,并运用了法律利益学说的观点,深入分析了企业规避的根本原因。

    She mainly introduces several ways in which enterprises avoid the non-fixed term labor contracts . With the help of view of the legal doctrine of interest , the author deeply analyzes the reason why enterprises avoid the non-fixed term labor contracts .

  19. 在结论部分笔者认为,纯获民事法律利益主体随着经济的发展和我国法典化的进程而发生变化。如对限制行为能力人年龄的划分。

    In conclusion part , the author thinks that with the development of economy and the process of our code , the main body of purely obtaining civil law benefits will have some changes such as the division on the ages of the person with limited capacity for civil conduct .

  20. 在静态分析中,从微观方面分析了生态旅游者、生态旅游资源开发商、地方政府和当地社区居民之间的相互法律利益关系;从宏观方面分析了环保组织、社会公众和媒体之间的关系。

    In the static analysis , the author will analyze the mutual legal interests of the ecological tourists , the developers of ecotourism resources , local governments and local residents from the micro aspects ; analyze the relations among environmental organizations , the public and media from the macro aspects .

  21. 法律对利益的调节和处理需要有科学的标准和原则。

    The legal regulation of interest needs scientific standards and principles .

  22. 法益即源于法律对利益的平衡。

    The status of legal interest in civil law is rather special .

  23. 法律对利益冲突的平衡功能与医疗损害限额赔偿

    Balance function of laws and limited compensation for medical harm

  24. 损害必须是对受保护的法律上利益的物质上或非物质上的侵害。

    Damage requires material or immaterial harm to a legally protected interest .

  25. 第一章在法理学范围内探讨法律对利益的平衡。

    In Chapter one , the balance of interest is researched in jurisprudence .

  26. 法律是利益分配书。

    Law is the book of distributing interest .

  27. 论法律维护利益的本质

    On the Essence of Legal Safeguarding Interests

  28. 法律、利益与权利

    Law , Interests and Rights

  29. 法律推定利益的丧失或损害,是构成违反之诉的最基本概念,义务的违反构成了利益的丧失或损害的初步证据。

    The legal presumption of benefits nullification or impairment is the key concept in the violation cases .

  30. 法律与利益有着天然的联系,法律正是在利益相互作用的关系中产生的。

    The link between law and the interests is natural , and the law is in this context generated .