
  1. 法国大学校的革新趋势

    The Innovation Trend of French Grand School

  2. 对高等教育有兴趣的同学可以选择两种学校就读:大学或有竞争力的学院(法国大学校)。

    Students interested in higher education have to choose between two types of educational institutes : Universities and Competitive Institutes ( Grandes Ecoles ) .

  3. 在法国的克莱蒙费朗大学校立医院医院里,80名患有睡眠窒息症和维他命D含量低的患者进行了32天的治疗,他们被发放了维他命D或者替代物。

    In the 80-patient , 32-day French trial at the University Hospital , Clermont-Ferrand , patients with sleep apnoea and low levels of vitamin D are being given the supplement or a placebo .