
  • 网络French radio;Radio France
  1. 法比尤斯对法国广播电台RTL说,叙利亚政府用于内战的花费大概为每月10亿欧元(约合12.3亿美元),因此在没有俄罗斯或伊朗支持的情况下,叙利亚政府的资金只能再维持几个月的时间。

    The Syrian government has enough money to hold out for only a few months without the support of Russia and Iran as the civil conflict costs it about 1 billion ( $ 1.23 billion ) a month , Mr. Fabius said in an interview with French radio station RTL .

  2. 研究民调的法国舆论研究所副主任热罗姆.富尔凯对法国广播电台说,如果指控属实,这将使施特劳斯-卡恩极其难以重整旗鼓再度成为政界人物。

    The deputy director of the IFOP polling institute , Jerome Fourquet , told French radio that if the charges proved true it would be extremely hard for Strauss-Kahn to rally back as a politician .

  3. 星期三,朱佩在接受法国国际广播电台访谈时说,国际原子能机构的报告非常详尽,并且谴责伊朗。

    In a Wednesday interview with Radio France Internationale , Juppe , who called the IAEA report detailed and damning , said Iran 's actions are unacceptable and violate U.

  4. 随着战事继续,法国基洛上将对法国信息广播电台说,他对有关局势会迅速得到解决感到怀疑。

    As fighting continued , Admiral Edouard Guillaud told France Info radio that he doubted that the situation would be resolved quickly .