
  • 网络San Francisco Chronicle;SF Chronicle
  1. 托马斯如今在《旧金山纪事报》(TheSanFranciscoChronicle)担任经济版编辑,他说Valleywag的目标就是令科技社区得到改进。

    Mr. Thomas , now business editor of The San Francisco Chronicle , said the goal of Valleywag was to improve the tech community .

  2. 食材变得更柔软,如果烹饪时间过长,就会损失质感,最近她在为《旧金山纪事报》(TheSanFranciscoChronicle)撰写的关于罐装保存食品的专栏里提到这一点。

    It is softer and tends to lose its texture when cooked too long , a point she made in a recent column on canning she wrote for The San Francisco Chronicle .

  3. 《旧金山纪事报》发表声明称,布拉德福德计划与母公司赫斯特国际集团(HearstCorp)密切合作,以建立其与Pinterest的内容合作关系。

    According to a statement from the chronicle , Bradford already has plans to work closely with its parent company , Hearst Corp. , to develop a content relationship between it and pinterest .

  4. 新闻报纸比如旧金山纪事报当时就在把自己的厄运编档入案。

    Newspapers like the San Francisco Chronicle were chronicling their own doom .

  5. 乔治·赫斯特是《旧金山纪事报》的所有者。

    George Hearst owned the San Francisco Examiner newspaper .

  6. 《旧金山纪事报》上刊登的新闻故事既强劲有力又很刺激。

    News stories in the San Francisco Examiner were written with force , energy and excitement .

  7. 《旧金山纪事报》是一个很不错的报纸,但是它也处于破产的边缘。

    The Chronicle , which is a very good paper , is on the verge of bankruptcy .

  8. 《旧金山纪事报》解释称,研究人员在1971年首次发现了她,当时判定她的年龄是60岁。

    As the Chronicle explains , researchers who first spotted her in 1971 pegged her age at 60 .

  9. 在不到五年的时间里,威廉·蓝道夫·赫斯特就带领《旧金山纪事报》取得了巨大的成功。

    In less than five years , William Randolph Hearst made the new San Francisco Examiner a huge success .

  10. 彼特·哈特劳布(《旧金山纪事报》的流行文化评论家):谢谢你的邀请。

    Mr. Peter Hartlaub ( Pop Culture Critic , San Francisco Chronicle ) : Thank you for having me .

  11. 《旧金山纪事报》称金门大桥为“一座价值三千五百万的钢竖琴。”

    The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper called the finished project , " a thirty-five million dollar steel harp ! "

  12. 据《旧金山纪事报》报道,古尔丁家族计划在未来几天发表公开讲话,来处理这个争议问题。

    The Gourdins plan to speak publicly in the coming days to address the controversy , SF Gate reported .

  13. 《旧金山纪事报》推测,这第三亿个人可能是于美国山区标准时间淩晨4时42分出生在珍妮·唐家的孩子;

    The San Francisco Chronicle speculated it might have been the son born to Jenny Tang at4:42 a.m.PDT ( 1142 GMT ) .

  14. 1891年,《旧金山纪事报》的读者和广告商比赫斯特先生刚接管报社时增加了三倍。

    By eighteen ninety-one , the San Francisco Examiner had three times more readers and advertisers than when Mister Hearst took control of the newspaper .

  15. 赫斯特公司于上月称,如果《旧金山纪事报》在未来几周内不能大幅削减支出,公司将关闭或出售该报。

    And last month Hearst said it would close or sell the San Francisco Chronicle if the newspaper couldn 't slash expenses in coming weeks .

  16. 神秘人告诉《旧金山纪事报》记者:我刚刚完成了一桩房地产交易,挣了大约50万美元。

    ' I just closed a real estate deal where my profit was about half-a-million dollars , ' he or she told the San Francisco Chronicle .

  17. 旧金山纪事报曾经报道几位顶尖的美国职棒大联盟球员承认服用过这类药物,其中包括贾森.吉安比和加里.谢菲尔德。

    Several top Major League Baseball players , including Jason Giambi and Gary Sheffield later admitted taking the substance , according to the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper .

  18. 威纳在接受《旧金山纪事报》采访时说:“这条法规要求人们在裸体时,起码应该对其他市民有最基本的礼貌和尊重。”

    " What this does do ," Weiner told the San Francisco Chronicle ," is require that people show some basic courtesy and decency toward their fellow citizens when they are naked . "

  19. 据美国《旧金山纪事报》报道,鲸鱼研究者们上周在华盛顿海边有一个喜人的发现:他们看见了一头被戏称为“奶奶”的虎鲸,这头虎鲸据说已经是惊人的105岁高龄了。

    Whale watchers off the coast of Washington saw a welcome sight last week - a killer whale nicknamed " Granny " who is believed to be an astonishing 105 years old , reports the San Francisco Chronicle .

  20. 诺里斯:彼特·哈特劳布是《旧金山纪事报》的流行文化评论家,是育儿博客“便便”的博主,今年全力追踪孩子的发声玩具背后的配音真人。

    Norris : Peter Hartlaub is the pop culture critic at the San Francisco Chronicle . He writes the parenting blog " The Poop , " and he 's spending this year tracking down the voices behind his children 's talking toys .

  21. 《旧金山纪事报》的专栏作家彼特·哈特劳布展开了一场追踪玩具音源的行动,决意要找寻出自己孩子的发声玩具背后的配音真人,称之为“发声玩具项目”,今天他来到节目中跟我们聊这个话题。

    Well , San Francisco Chronicle writer Peter Hartlaub has made it his mission to 1 ) track down the real people behind the voices of his children 's toys . He calls this the Talking Toy Project , and Peter Hartlaub joins us to talk about it .

  22. 以前想针对旧金山消费者的广告商面临的选择只不过是在《旧金山纪事报》还是在《旧金山考察报》上登广告的问题。

    The choice facing advertisers targeting consumers in San Francisco was once between an ad in the Chronicle or Examiner .