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jiù zhì
  • old system;the old system of weights and measures
旧制 [jiù zhì]
  • [old system; the Chinese old measure system] 旧的制度;特指我国古代使用的一套计量制度

  • 秦汉旧制

  1. 学校将不会通过恢复旧制来提高教育质量。

    The schools will not improve education by regressing to the old system .

  2. 对流担保契约这一项古老而又有新意的制度,我国《物权法》仍然沿袭旧制,予以绝对禁止。

    This ancient and innovative system is absolutely prohibited by our Real Law which still followed the old system .

  3. “噢,我想这是按照旧制阴历来算的,是吧?”——“对,是的。”

    ' Well I suppose it is based on the old lunar months isn 't it . ' — ' Yes that 's right . '

  4. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了。

    The old pound note is no longer legal tender .

  5. 旧制光的亮度单位等于每平方英尺流明。

    A former luminance unit equal to one lumen per square foot .

  6. 英国旧制容积单位等于法定加仑。

    An obsolete British unit of capacity equal to 18 Imperial gallons .

  7. 但是,华盛顿做事之旧制改革也是一个主要问题。

    But so was change from old ways of doing things in Washington .

  8. 法国旧制面积单位;约等于一英亩。

    A former French unit of area ; equal approximately to an acre .

  9. (美国旧制时的)卫生、教育和福利部

    HEW ( ( Department of ) Health , Education , and Welfare )

  10. 沿袭旧制不变的代价之高令人难以承受,这让一些高级官员们震惊。

    The price of business as usual strikes some senior officials as intolerably high .

  11. 旧制电流单位(略小于一安培)。

    A former unit of electric current ( slightly smaller than the SI ampere ) .

  12. 清朝在沿袭明朝旧制的基础上,对太医院的医事制度进行了革新。

    On the basis of following Ming Dynasty system , the Imperial Academy of Medicine Medical system was regenerated .

  13. 首先分析土地革命时期土地管理政策的旧制,指出其存在的诸多问题。

    First the analysis of the old revolution with the land management policy , pointing out the problems existed .

  14. 设计腾艾的目的在于“挑战陈规旧制”,以消除人类“潜意识中的偏见”。

    Tengai was designed to " challenge old stereotypes " and help to eliminate humanities " subconscious prejudices . "

  15. 旧制英国航海长度单位;相当于(待查表)米(英尺)。

    A former British unit of length once used in navigation ; equivalent to 1828.8 meters ( 6000 feet ) .

  16. 你认为「新制」的「实任制」所提供的工作保障与「旧制」是否不同?

    Do you believe there is any difference between the job security provided by a " substantiated " contract before and after the NPRS ?

  17. 浅谈公路建设项目概预算编制中的问题目(预算旧制)-预算第2款第三项一目

    On problems in budgetary estimate and budget establishment of road construction Article & Article ( I ) of chapter III of Section 2 of the budget

  18. 建炎末(1131),恢复北宋枢密院管军旧制,枢密院又成为最高军事机构。

    But at the end of the Jianyan reign ( 1131 ) , the Military Council was restored to its position as the highest military body .

  19. 采用中国湖北新、旧制土壤基层单元的划分标准和日本的土壤基层单元的设定标准进行了高场示范区土壤类型的区分。

    The soils of Gaochang model district were identified using new and old distinction standards of soil basic unit of Hubei , China and established standards of Japan .

  20. 年轻人适合发明甚于判断,适合实行甚于谋划,适合新计划甚于因循旧制。&培根

    You men are fitter to invent than to judge , fitter for execution than for consent , fitter for new projects than for settled business . & Bacon

  21. 第一阶段,沿袭明代旧制,学校与科举平行,教育为科举服务,儒学、书院、义学在原基础上继续发展;

    At the first stage , the old system was followed , Schools served for the Civil Service Exam , and the academies developed on the former basic ;

  22. 在这样的环境下,南宋统治者继承和发展了北宋旧制,制定出较为系统的文化政策。

    In such environment , the rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty inherited and developed the cultural policy of the Northern Song Dynasty , making a more systematic culture policy .

  23. 目(预算旧制)-预算第2款第三项一目熟知本人负责项目的项目总体计划和预算情况。

    Article & Article ( I ) of chapter III of Section 2 of the budget To be acquainted with the Project Master Schedule and the Budget for the assigned project .

  24. 本文试图对中国古代人物画传神说的理论内涵及历史演变过程进行探讨,学习先辈不囿旧制敢于创新的精神,以继承和发扬古代人物画中的优良传统。

    This paper tries putting forth nature and historical developing of " vivid touch " theory about ancient China figure painting to inherit and enlarge good traditions of ancient China figure paints and learn forerunners ' innovating spirit .

  25. 受众群体的多样化人性需求和数字新媒介的相对优势又使得这种新形式被大众迅速接受,表现出旺盛的生命力和推翻旧制的革命精神。

    Because of the diverse personal requirements and the relative advantages of new digital media , the new modes are quickly accepted by the majority of people , showing energetic life and revolutionary spirit of overthrowing old mode .

  26. 在改革的过程中,德国各州对博洛尼亚进程的响应各不相同,有的州积极主动,进行全面改革;有的州小心谨慎,采用试点方式渐进改革;有的州则抗拒改革,坚决使用旧制。

    The states of Germany have different responses to the Bologna process . Some states act actively and take complete reforms ; while some allow a few universities to take reforms as a pilot ; some refuse the reform .

  27. 尔后历代档案库,均因袭秦、汉旧制,而又各有所发展,供保存各朝皇帝的“实录”、“圣训”、“玉碟”之类的皇家档案。

    After the archives of the past , both Yinxi Qin and Han old system , and each has , for the preservation of the emperor in the " Record " and " Faith " and " Yu-disc " such as the Royal Archives .

  28. 废旧立新,是这个时代的主旋律,但在诸子百家争鸣的思想领域,却存在着一家维护旧制、倡导古礼的学派,这便是以孔子为代表的儒家。

    Modernization is the main theme of this era , but in the field of various schools of thought contending , there is a preservation of the old system , promote the ancient ceremony of the school , which is represented by Confucius ' Confucianism .