
jiù shì
  • an old matter or affair
旧事 [jiù shì]
  • [the past things] 已往的事;从前的事

  • 旧事重提

  1. 我要拿旧事来烦你了。

    Here I am boring you with my reminiscences .

  2. 重提旧事对任何人都没什么好处。

    Raking up the past won 't help anyone .

  3. 没人愿意重提旧事。

    Nobody wanted to rake over his past history .

  4. 和亲近的朋友吵架时要就事论事,不要扯出那些陈年旧事。

    When you quarrel with a close friend , talk about the main dish , don 't quibble over the appetizers settle scores with the past

  5. 不可避免的是,你可能会从十几岁的老日记里找到一些陈年旧事,日记里详细记载着古代流行音乐歌星、不可思议的walkman随身听和《太空侵略者》(spaceinvaders)游戏。

    Inevitably , perhaps , there is something of a retro revival for old teenage diaries , with their details about ancient pop stars , miraculous Walkman personal stereos , and space invaders .

  6. 剧组难道不怕旧事重演?

    Isn 't the production team afraid of history repeating itself ?

  7. 你怎么会提起这样的陈年旧事?

    Why would you dig up an ugly story like that ?

  8. 旧事已过,一切都更新了。

    The old has gone , and the new has come !

  9. 任何有效的公关活动都包括旧事发布会。

    Any effective PR campaign is going to include press releases .

  10. 谁告诉你这些陈年旧事的?

    Who 's been filling your head with all these old stories ?

  11. 这些都是陈年旧事了。

    This stuff is just so way in the past .

  12. 没人会拿旧事弄你。

    No one will hold your past mistakes against you .

  13. 这下可好,体育课的旧事又重演了。

    Monica : Great . It 's gym class all over again .

  14. 卡罗琳那都是旧事了明白吗

    Caroline , That stuff came before , ok ?

  15. 悲痛已止息,旧事勿重提。

    When sorrow is asleep , wake it not .

  16. 谁也不能忘怀旧事。

    Neither side could shake off its memories .

  17. 回顾旧事,1995年是手艺快速成长的一年。

    Looking back now , 1995 was an amazing boom year for technology alone .

  18. 人们记得儿时旧事,因为那是热情充溢的时期。

    Childhood is remembered because it is passionate .

  19. 人的记忆不能顺序逐一重温旧事。

    No human memory is so arranged as to recollect everything in continuous sequence .

  20. 1978年:历史转折期的那些旧事(5)

    1978 : Those Old Affairs in the Period of Historical Turn ( part five );

  21. 那些都是陈年旧事了

    Those days are well behind you .

  22. 于是许多以为忘却的旧事

    So many things I had thought forgotten

  23. 可那是陈年旧事了,她为何还在纠结?

    Yeah , but that was ages ago . Why would she still be upset ?

  24. 我听说他们结婚了。那是陈年旧事了,他们都要离婚了!

    I hear they got married . that 's old hat , they 're almost divorced !

  25. 父亲说,这不过是旧事重演。而且他说对了。

    It 's the same old story , my father said , and he was right .

  26. 一个欢乐的童年和一些细腻的描写,构成了林海音的《城南旧事》。

    A happy childhood and some detailed descriptions constitute the book of My Memories of Old Beijing .

  27. 为了庆祝新年,他们举行仪式来废除旧事,净化自己。

    They performed rituals to do away with the past and purify themselves for the new year .

  28. 我敢肯定她想对我隐瞒有些旧事。

    I feel sure there 's something about her past that she 's trying to hide from me .

  29. 我知道这一切都属于古老的过去了毕业典礼演讲人絮叨旧事是再糟糕不过的

    So I know this is all ancient history Nothing worse than commencement speakers droning on about bygone days .

  30. 跟相爱的人发生争执时,就只涉及当前的情况,千万不要把旧事搬出来。

    In disagreement with loved ones , deal only with the current situation . Don 't bring up the past .