
  1. 旧的工业化的模式和专业化的教育则倾向于将社会视为彼此分离的部分。

    The old pattern of industrialization and specialization education inclined to regard the society as some isolated parts .

  2. 剪刀差是由旧的工业化战略和城乡分割体制的残余影响所造成的。

    The old industrialized strategy and different policy of rural and urban area have a very strong influence to form the scissors difference .

  3. 要通过改革旧的工业化战略和不合时宜的涉农体制与制度,抑制和消除剪刀差,从而减轻农民负担。

    Should pass the industrialized strategy with old reform and malapropos experience farming system and system , restrain and eliminate price scissors , reduce farmer burden thereby .