
  • 网络gas scrubber
  1. 燃料电池和气体洗涤器置于一个恒温控制的和绝热的室内。

    The fuel cell and scrubber are located in a thermostatically controlled and insulated chamber .

  2. 惰性气体洗涤器爆破板的改造

    Retrofit of Rupture Disc on Inert Gas Scrubber

  3. 气体先在洗涤器内湿润。气液逆喷洗涤器除尘性能的实验研究

    Experimental study on dust removal performance of gas-liquid reverse spraying scrubber

  4. 气体先在洗涤器内湿润。

    The gas is first humidified in a scrubber .