
  • 网络qi deficiency physique
  1. 气虚体质的肿瘤患者化疗后可能更容易影响毒副反应的大小,其P0.05,有统计学意义。

    Qi-deficiency in cancer patients after chemotherapy more easily lead to toxicity , P0.05 , with statistical significance .

  2. 另外,气虚体质的肿瘤患者化疗后可能更易导致导致骨髓抑制、疲乏、疼痛、头晕头痛,其P0.01,有显著性差异,具有高度统计学意义。

    In addition , qi-deficiency in cancer patients after chemotherapy may be more prone to cause bone marrow suppression , fatigue , pain , dizziness and headache ; P0.01 , significant differences with high statistical significance .

  3. 不同人群气虚体质分布状况的调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on distribution of qi-insufficiency constitution in different people groups

  4. 目的研究气虚体质在不同人群的分布状况。

    Objective To study the distribution of qi-insufficiency constitution in different people groups .

  5. 结果气虚体质在成年人群样本中的出现率为19%;农村人口比乡镇和城市人口更容易出现气虚体质;

    Results The frequency of qi-insufficiency constitution occurrence was 19 % in the sample of adult group .

  6. 反复呼吸道感染患儿气虚体质与免疫功能的相关性

    The Study of the Relationship between Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection Which is Qi-deficiency Corporeity and Immune System

  7. 气虚体质之鼻咽癌高癌家系成员基因组稳定与修复基因表达

    Expression of Genes Related to Genome Stability and DNA Repair in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Clustering Families with Vacuous Pattern

  8. 益气解毒法对力竭性游泳所致气虚体质状态小鼠运动能力及免疫功能的影响

    Effect of Qi-Boosting and Toxin Resolving Method on Swimming Ability and Immune Function Among the Mice with a Constitutional Status of Qi Deficiency Induced by Exhaustive Swimming Exercising

  9. 认为荨麻疹的体质有气虚体质、阳虚体质、血虚体质、血瘀体质、蕴毒体质等五种基本类型;

    It was pointed out that urticaria constitution had five basic types , which were deficiency of qi , deficiency of yang , deficiency of blood , blood stasis and accumulated toxin .

  10. 阴虚体质与阳虚体质及气虚体质的比较,证实了中医阴阳两虚及气阴两虚理论的客观性。

    And the comparison between Yin-deficiency constitution and Yang-deficiency constitution convinced the objectivity of both Yin and Yang Deficiency theory in TCM . So is it with Qi-deficiency constitution and Yin-deficiency constitution .

  11. 方法采用流行病学调研的方法对北京市城区、乡镇、农村人口16岁以上的395人进行气虚体质分布状况的调查。

    Method The epidemiological method was used to investigate the distribution of qi-insufficiency constitution of 395 individuals aged over 16 years in the population of Beijing city proper , suburbs , towns and villages .

  12. 结合现代体质学说,探讨失眠心胆气虚与体质因素的内在联系。

    Combined with modern physical doctrine , explore insomnia Qi deficiencies of the heart and gall and physiological factors in .

  13. 广东地区气候炎热潮湿,感邪夹湿更易碍脾伤肺,因此儿童肺脾气虚的体质十分常见。

    The hot and humid climate in Guangdong , the humid pathogenic factor more likely to hinder the spleen and lung , therefore children DLS constitution is very common .

  14. 结果:调查显示宁夏银川地区弱视患儿受地理环境因素影响,以平和质、阴虚质、气虚质为主要体质特征。

    Finally : The investigation shows that in Ningxia Yinchuan area , the amblyopia children is influenced by geogen , taking gentle nature , Yin deficient nature , lacking in vital energy nature as main physique characteristic .