
  • 网络tracheobronchitis;acute tracheobronchitis;ITB;acute treacheo broncitis
  1. 外科ICU机械通气患者医院内气管支气管炎发生率、病原学和危险因素分析

    Incidence , etiology and risk factors of nosocomial tracheobronchitis in surgical ICU patients with mechanical ventilation

  2. 目的探讨机械通气患者并发医院内气管支气管炎(NTB)的发生率、病原学及危险因素。

    Objective To analyze the incidence , pathogens and risk factors of nosocomial tracheobronchitis ( NTB ) in patients receiving mechanical ventilation ( MV ) .

  3. 目的观察布地奈德(BUD)吸入对小儿急性喉炎、喉气管支气管炎的疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of budesonide ( BUD ) inhalation on acute infectious laryngitis and laryngotracheobronchitis in children .

  4. 结论急性喉炎、急性喉气管支气管炎患儿在抗感染等常规治疗的同时,加用BUD吸入治疗,对改善症状体征、缩短病程,明显优于DXM吸入治疗,且疗效显著。

    Conclusion In addition to routine treatment such as anti-infection , BUD atomizing inhalation is more effective on acute infectious laryngitis and laryngotracheobronchitis than dexamethasone on the aspect of improvements in symptom , sign and healing duration in children .

  5. 目的探讨机械通气老年患者并发院内气管支气管炎(NTB)的危险因素,为制定院内感染防治措施提供流行病学资料和科学依据。

    Objective To investigate the incidence , the risk factors and the outcome of nosocomial tracheobronchitis ( NTB ) in patients age over 65 years of age receiving mechanical ventilation ( MV ) .

  6. 支气管灌洗配合机械通气治疗小儿纤维蛋白性喉气管支气管炎的护理

    Nursing care of bronchial lavage combined with mechanical ventilation to treat children with fibrious laryngotracheobronchitis

  7. 布地奈德治疗急性喉炎、喉气管支气管炎疗效观察

    Observation on Efficacy of Nebulized Budesonide Inhalation in Treatment of Acute Laryngitis and Laryngotracheobronchitis in Children

  8. 目的:探讨布地奈德混悬液雾化吸入治疗急性喉炎、喉气管支气管炎的疗效。

    Objective : To analyze the effect of budesonide treating acute laryngitis and bronchitis in children by atomizing inhalation .

  9. 结论胃肠道疾病、骨关节疾病、软组织损伤、气管支气管炎和痔疮在营级及营以下军官常见且多发。

    The incidences of bone and joint , soft tissue and air-way in battalion 's rank were higher than that below battalion 's rank .

  10. 肺炎、支气管炎、喉气管支气管炎、有喘息症状的支气管炎和哮喘患儿病毒阳性率分别为41.3%、35.3%、40.3%、42.5%和36.5%。

    The prevalence of viral infection in children with pneumonia , bronchitis , laryngotracheobronchitis , asthmatic bronchitis and asthma were ~ 41.3 % , ~ 35.3 % , ~ 40.3 % , ~ 42.6 % and ~ 36.5 % respectively .

  11. 喉炎(包括喉炎、急性喉-气管-支气管炎)、热性惊厥、哮喘(包括支气管哮喘、喘息性支气管炎)组弓形虫循环抗原阳性率与对照组比较差异有显著性(0.05>P>0.01或P≤0.01)。

    There were significant differences in acute laryngitis , febrile convulsion , bronchial asthma and control group ( 0.05 > P > 0.01 or P ≤ 0.01 ) . Conclusion Though there was no significant difference in positive rates of CAg for T.

  12. 马来酸氯苯那敏对急性气管-支气管炎咳嗽的临床疗效研究

    Effect of chlorpheniramine on patients with acute tracheobronchitis with severe cough

  13. 目的:观察止咳汤加减治疗急性气管-支气管炎的疗效。

    Objective : To study the therapeutic effect of modified Zhike decoction ( MZD ) on acute trachitis and bronchitis .

  14. 术后早期少量应用激素,有助于减轻气管、支气管炎性反应和水肿,减少分泌物。

    The secretion , inflammatory reaction and edema of anastomotic stoma can be alleviated by using cortical hormone in the early stage postoperation .

  15. 肺部感染类型以急性气管-支气管炎为主(占39.07%),其次为肺炎、慢性支气管炎、肺结核等。

    The pulmonary infections were mainly acute tracheobronchitis ( 39.07 % ) , seconded by pneumonia , chronic bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis , etc.

  16. 方法:选取符合中医和西医诊断标准的急性气管-支气管炎患者48例,采用随机、双盲、对照方法,分为对照组和治疗组。对照组24例,其中男性15例,女性9例;

    Methods : Chinese medicine and Western medicine used in the diagnosis of acute tracheo-bronchitis patients 48 cases , the use of random , which means divided into a control group and treatment groups .

  17. 误诊为气管或支气管炎36例,上呼吸道感染25例,支原体感染18例,慢性咽炎10例,百日咳或类百日咳综合征4例,免疫功能低下9例。

    Among these 50 misdiagnoses , 36 were misdiagnoses as bronchitis , 25 as upper respiratory airway infection , 18 as mycoplasmal infection , 10 as chronic pharyngitis , 4 were misdiagnoses as whooping cough or whooping cough syndrome , 9 as low immune function .

  18. 结果4881例发热病人中以感染性发热为主占97.97%,最常见的感染依次为上呼吸道感染(占63.55%)、急性气管&支气管炎(占15.80%)、肺炎(占8.77%);

    Results The infection was the major cause of the fever in 4881 patients , which accounted for 97.97 % . The most common infection was upper respiratory tract infection ( 63.55 % ), acute tracheobronchitis ( 15.80 % ) and pneumonia ( 8.77 % ) .