
  • 网络Gasified fuel;vaporising fuel
  1. 本文介绍了国内外高温燃料电池(MCFC、SOFC)的研究和主要特点,总结了国内外生物质气化燃料电池一体化发电的研究进展,分析了我国开展该项研究的可行性和应用前景。

    Research status of high temperature fuel cells ( MCFC and SOFC ) are introduced and the study on integrated biomass gasification and power generation system are reviewed . The feasibility and prospect of the technology are analyzed based on the situation of China .

  2. 快速热裂解半焦作为粉煤锅炉及气化燃料的研究

    Study on the fast pyrolysis char used as fuel in P.F. furnace

  3. 我们最终的目标是实现煤气化或者生物质气化燃料电池发电系统,以获得能源的高效和洁净利用。

    The final objective is to realize the integrated coal gasification or biomass gasification fuel cell power system .

  4. 本文在分析我国电力供应现状基础上,提出了在我国开展生物质气化燃料电池一体化分布式发电技术研究的必要性。

    Based on the status of power supply in China , this paper presents the necessity of developing integrated biomass gasification and fuel cell power generation system .

  5. 利用石油焦制备水焦浆,能够拓宽代油和气化燃料的原料范围,应对烟煤供应紧张的难题。

    Preparation of petroleum-coke-water-slurry ( PCWS ) can broaden scope of raw materials of fuel of oil substitute and gasification , and settle problem of tension supply of bituminous coal .

  6. 生物质气化高温燃料电池一体化发电技术研究

    Status of integrated biomass gasification and fuel cell power generation system

  7. 国外相关的试验研究和一体化示范工程。分析了生物质气化高温燃料电池一体化发电技术在我国应用的可行性,提出了目前需要解决的关键技术问题。

    The feasibility and key technology of developing BIG-FC power generation system in China are analyzed .

  8. 介绍了生物质气化高温燃料电池一体化发电的系统组成和特点;

    The components and characteristics of biomass integrated gasification and high temperature fuel cell ( BIGFC ) power generating system were summarized .

  9. 介绍了采用温度超过1000℃、过剩空气系数为0.3~0.5的高温空气气化固体燃料的新技术。

    A solid-fuel high-efficiency gasification system using high temperature air is proposed . The solid fuels are converted into gas with high temperature over 1 000 ℃ and low excess air ratio about 0.3 ~ 0.5 . High temperature air preheater and pebble bed gasifier are its key technologies .

  10. 燃料颗粒机是制作气化炉颗粒燃料和生物质颗粒燃料的小型颗粒加工设备。

    Fuel granule machine is the mini granule equipment to processing gasifier granule fuel and biomass granule fuel .

  11. 同时应加大海藻生物燃料和生物质气化合成生物燃料的开发力度。

    They should also redouble their effort to develop alga-derived biofuel and synthesize biofuels by gasification of biomass .

  12. 这个中试规模的设备将用来研究不同气化技术、燃料和燃料的混合以及产品的加工过程。

    This pilot-scale facility will be used for research on different gasification technologies , fuels and fuel blends , and processing of products .

  13. 电厂中煤粉燃烧会产生大量的CO2,能源系统控制CO2的方法主要包括:燃烧前将其气化、氧/燃料燃烧技术以及燃烧后CO2回收。

    Coal combustion can generate a large amount of carbon dioxide . The methods of the carbon dioxide capture and treatment include : Pre-Combustion Capture , Oxy-fuel combustion technology and the Post-Combustion Capture .

  14. 生物质废弃物催化气化制取富氢燃料气

    Catalytic gasification of biomass residue to produce hydrogen rich gas

  15. 生物质气化–熔融碳酸盐燃料电池联合循环发电系统性能研究

    Performance Investigation of Biomass Gasification-Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Combined Cycle Power Generation System

  16. 秸秆成型燃料富氧气化气作为机动车燃料研究

    Study on the Characteristic of Stalk Briquette Oxygen-Rich Gasification Producer Gas for Vehicle Fuel

  17. 现在,生物质热解气化被用作生产燃料气的普遍技术路线,生产的燃料气被广泛应用于锅炉、发动机、气轮机或燃料电池。

    At present , gasification is taken as a popular technical route to produce fuel gas for application in boilers , engine , gas turbine or fuel cell .

  18. 水煤浆、煤炭液化、煤炭气化和煤基燃料甲醇等先进的煤代油技术是将煤炭变成优质能源的必由之路;

    The advanced coal-replacing-oil technologies such as water-coal-slurry , coal gasification , coal liquefaction and coal-based methanol fuel are the ways of must for coal to convert into high quality energy .

  19. 在小型固定床反应器上进行了新鲜草和小麦秸秆的催化热解气化制富氢燃料气的研究。

    The catalytic pyrolysis gasification of fresh grass ( GR ) and wheat straw ( WS ) for production of hydrogen rich gas was investigated in a little fixed-bed gasification experimental system .

  20. 介绍了国内外煤气化、天然气转化技术,气化气合成液体燃料技术,以及采用气化和合成工艺的劣质原油加工路线。

    Both domestic and foreign techniques including coal gasification , natural gas conversion and liquid fuel synthesis with gasified gases have been introduced together with gasification and synthesis for processing inferior crude .